dystopian type of story

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A world where you can “escape” the real world and go to your imaginary world.

The girl steps out of the soft glowing portal and clicks a button on a circular pocket stopwatch. The portal fades away softly. She puts the stopwatch back in her pocket. She sighs and picks up a phone putting down a flip phone in its place. She turns on her phone and two notifications is there. A time reminder for dinner at 6 pm, it was only 5:28 pm, only 5 minutes had passed. It was dark out and the leaves dead, leaving the trees bare and cold. The other notification had the news "protests...." She clicks on it and her password shows up and she moves her finger for it to open.
The head title said "protests against the time prohibition on the portals. it becomes violent. Two people are fatally injured, one killed. She scrolls to continue reading and an ad pops up. It said "pay for more days! More time in your DREAM WORLD!" scams. she shakes her head. After exiting the ad, the first sentence she reads of the article says "protesters fight against the government trying to put a ban on going into your dream world for more than a month.” a picture of the current government leader, President Gildfred.
A video starts playing on her phone of the news. President Gilfred is crowded by microphones and news reporters. “Now, this isnt to make you all less happy, everyone.” he says “there has been new research that there are glitches and problems with this development-” a reporter cuts him off “you promised there wouldn't be any problems!” there is a hum of agreement “when they first came out you told us that there is “no limit on your time” and “with the new development of using the “gifts” to our advantage, there will be no setbacks”” there is a couple chuckles through the crowd.
“W-well, that was before our developers got overwhelmed with all the wonderful sales of people wanting their own escape route. The hackers also are not helping by selling them for a cheaper price… it makes it harder for us to control- er, develop a safe program for more people when others are trying to develop their own products-” angry grunts and dissatisfied muttering echo through the crowd. “Why would you want to control us?” one reporter asks “why won't you just use the wishing tree?” another reporter asks. A chorus of people agreed again.
“Now the wishing tree is a difficult matter you see- “ sweat glistens on his forehead
“We haven't been able to see anything about the wishing tree for 5 years now!” someone shouts “I thought you said you were trying to get us away from totalitarianism, not make it worse or even better, bringing us back in the war!” shouting starts and people yelling their disagreement. The President trying to calm down the crowd.
She swipes the article away and turns off her phone. She shakes her head.
The war. 5 billion died from starvation alone. It had been only 30 years since the peace treaty had been signed, the world still shaken after the total war between Russia and United States, turning into a world war. After the old president, Noel Hansley, ended the war with the help of Solace Raegan. Raegan was then assassinated, Hansley went missing then was found in the sewers in critical condition. She then died a few hours after finding her. The murders still unknown… or at least not shared with anyone,  President Walter Gildfred came in office promising peace and a step towards freedom and a step away from the totalistic government. The reason behind America becoming a totalistic country is a hot debate against the people. Some saying it was overpopulation and trying to control the food rationing, others saying it was the wishing trees. Earth had just succeeded 10 billion people just before the war officially started, during the election: America had 3 billion of those people. The main two sides were either with the rationing or against it. The problem never was with rationing food, but with the person they were putting that responsibility upon. Cade Gunner.
Cade Gunner already had control of the newspapers and propaganda that he was already winning the people over before he even ran for president. He had the people become so blinded of the idea that food should be rationed and that everything would fail if the other candidate won. after he won, he worked his way through a loop so he could have complete control over the military. Once that happened everything started shutting down. The wishing trees couldn't be accessed or seen anymore, telling the people that they had started dying. How he pulled it off was his most simple step. Using the wishing trees abilities. He took one of the globes from a tree and wished that

She stands up and goes out her door and walks down the short hallways making it to the kitchen. Water boils on the stove and she goes to the end of the hallway, she sees her mom sitting there "hey" she says "the water is boiling" her mom inhales and gets up. She goes to the water and puts the potatoes in it. Mmmm mashed potatoes. "What time is work for you tomorrow?" Her mom asks "10" she responds her mom puts a lid on the pot and sets the timer on the oven.

First book: girl steps out of portal, history as if that's what's happening right then. With the making of the wishing trees, the war, the assassination, up to Gildfred being elected. The end has the History teacher shut his book closed and says that wraps it up for today, Wiping away his whiteboard

Next book is how the portal is made, the problems it's causing, the problems Gildfred is making, finding the creator of the gifting trees again, finding Noel and Solace (spoiler haha), and getting rid of the dream world portal

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