super hero smth

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The hero falls off from the roof into the narrow dead end alleyways and stumbles against the wall. They put their back to the wall and slump down, breathing hard.

A girl comes running, trying to be as quiet as possible, her phone recording.

Noticing the figure on the roof with black combat pants and black hoodie with a thin turtle design on the back of it.

She immediately recognized the figure from all the videos she watched, especially from that night... Before that night she was only lightly interested in this hero. After her encounter with him she became weirdly obsessed.

She peaked around a corner of the allways from further away, zooming in on her camera on their face. She zooms out again and they suddenly take off their mask. Familiar short hair flopped down on their forehead.

She gasps and drops the camera from view. The hero they call "Romik" swivels his head towards her. She jumps behind the house to block her from his view but it was
too late.

He jumps up from where he was sitting. Fastening his mask back on.

He recognized the phone.

He silently creeps up to the corner she is at. She takes a breath in and peeks around the corner again.

His neck right in from of her face. Before she could yelp in surprise a black glove covers her mouth, his face leaning down to hers.

Lifting up the eye part of his mask, she is met with browns eyes with flecks of gold "You'll have to do better than that amor" he says with a soft French accent.
(If anyone ever read this, please leave, delete this story, and then burn my phone and sim card. It's so embarrassing 😭)

She freezes and he grabs her phone. His hand still on her mouth. She places her hand on top of his and without looking up from the video recording that she took, that was replaying, his hand flips underneath hers and he gently holds her hand.

He lets go and she stands rimrod straight, staring at him.

The part when she zooms into his face shows on the screen and then her zooming out. Both of them watching the recording as it shows him take off his mask.

He pauses it and replays it a couple times, zooming in on the screen and turning the brightness up and down.

Satisfied that the camera quality didn't get his real face, he hands her phone back to her.

"Just don't get a camera with better quality and I will keep letting this slip."

He winks and puts his goggles back down. Looking up he jumps onto the nearest rooftop and in a series of flips and jumps, he runs away.

She pushes pause on her camera recording. She started recording again when he gave her her phone back and recorded him winking with his amber eyes.

She tsks because of the quality not being so great.

She debated if she wants to post the second clip but either way, she knew she was going to get a lot of likes on social media.

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