star people prompt

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A little girl or boy is born on a star. They have little scrolls that sparkle into existence whenever someone makes a wish on their star. If they want to, they can go to their planet every day and then go to work every night. They work on the scrolls fulfilling wishes. If they want a day off, they can have one. They sometimes accidentally grant wishes a little late and Might accidentally grant a wish a couple years after they have  been alive.

A girl is born on a star. Not that bright but still bright enough for someone to wish on. She has a yellow dress with little mini stars all over it. She had blonde wavy hair pulled into a low ponytail and cream yellow flat shoes. It's morning and she sees a beautiful telescope. She looks through it and see planets with people on it. It gets dark on one side of the earth facing her and a bing sounds. A shining scroll sparkles into the ground by her. She kneels down and grabs it and picks it up. It read "please star, please let me do a good job for the quiz tomorrow." She waves her hand in the air above her head and yellow sparkles float around and a image with a white fog around int appears right above her head. The scroll rolls out of her hand and she stars at it with mouth open. It's shows the girl. She realizes. In the future. The bonde girl taps on the screen and it shows a paper with a red stamp that said A on it. The bonde girl giggles getting up and spins. Two other scrolls appear and she gets to work, reading them and the tapping on the screen so the wish will come true when time. She notices a lever and a couple other shining scrolls appear. She reaches out her and and grabs the giant lever handle and pulls it back with her whole body and she shoots forward going to a stop right by another, much larger planet. She got right close where she could just jump across. It goes to Earth's point of view and a little bright star shoots across disappearing by a bigger star. There where multiple people working at this bigger star. Stacks of scrolls on neat pils although some had a black aura. The people working look to her and then most of them go back to work. Screens appearing and disappearing. Another boy jumps up from his sitting position and runs slightly to her. He had blonde hair that was slightly baggy, with purple and black adorable clothes. He jumps across and grabs her hands and smiles and nods. She grins back. He pulls her toward his planet and shows her all his scrolls. When a scroll with a black aura appears for him. He looks at it sorrowful and crouches down to pick it up. He shows it to the girl the scroll was blurry to the screen but had a kill visible. He shook his head. He walked over the the pile of the black scrolls and used is powers to make them all float up. He waves his hand and a screen appears. He then swipes to the left and a garbage picture appears he clicks it and the black scrolls disappear. She frowns sadly. She looks at him and finally asks "what happens to them then?" The boy shrugs "they get whatever they disserve. If they have the audacity to wish for one of their bad works to come true, one of us will go down and do a good dead." "Who is us?" She asks. He smiles and pulls her to her planet. He grabs the lever but an older girl with brown hair and a white coat with yellow outlines and white pants. Her hair put into a half ponytail. "Be back soon" she calls and he nods smiling at her and he pulls the lever. They speed forward and the scene cuts to earth again with a guy and girl laying on a blanket watching the sky. They see a shooting star and they both smile

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