villain backstory (dayum idk what made me write this 💀)

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The villain comes back to his house, he goes in his room and sees him fish has died, the screen goes to call.his plants and they are all wilted and dying.

He goes to another room and a dog is lying in the room, old and dying. He kneels down and pets it and the dog dies.

He shakly puts a blanket around it and goes oytside to his backyard where a hole he had already prepared was. He gently drogs it down and covers it with dirt.

He goes back inside and washes his hands and then sits on the couch and tears start going down his face. Sits up from leaning foward and lays down curling up into a ball sobbing.

The phone then rings and he gets up, rubbing his face, controlling his breath.

He walks to the kitchen, by a window with his plants and answers the phone.
It was the doctors, mumbling and then the nurse says "your mom passed away" he then hears yelling on the other side of the phone and knows its his dad he was yelling

"dont let that filth of a son know she is dead, he doesnt deserve knowing!-" the villain then clicks the end button, not wanting to know what else his dad had to say. He starts crying and shaking again.

He grabs a glass cup by the sink and throws it, shattering against the wall.

He the collapses on his knees then to his side hugging himself, while crying. He just wanted his sister and friends back and for life to go back to normal.

He didnt want to have those super powers. Having cold powers or ice powers, you could say, with super strength and flying abilities. it was hard.

He woke up to the hero, her hand placed on his forhead.

"They are not coming back" she whispered "you need to except that..."

He grabs her wrist getting nauseous and dizzy sitting up, he had a fever. "But there are things that can bring them back, like you" he responds

He throws her at the wall. She thuds against it,

villain struggles to stand up balancing on his counter "Please..." He begs "just bring them back.. Its you or that gem"

she shakes her head standing up "both I or the stone cant bring anyone back, you need to get that into your thick skull!" she argues

He sits down on the floor, cross legged. "Yes you can, I have seen you bring things back to life and I have seen the gem do it to..." His voice was shaky.

The girl shakes her head "stop trying... Please, you have caused so many problems over this. BIG problems that have killed OTHER people, other people that have relationshipps like you... People that where having a wonderful day and went to the store to get something and then you drop a building on them and then their family have to get the news that they are dead!"

A tear slips out of his eye and he wipes it away. A sob racks his body and he covers his face crying.

She gently kneels down and slowly brings her hand to his face "I see your memories and I understand now... Yes it hurts and I have healing powers I just... Cant bring people back from the dead... I'm not capable of doing that."

"Tsh, why couldn't you have helped my mom then?" We smacks her hand away "she has cancer yet you could have helped her, you could have made her better!"

He leans his head onto her hand feeling better by her touch "my mom died last night" he tells her "I wont be invited to the funeral because my dad blames me for the car crash that killed my two siblings." He shakes his head tears dripping down his face more than ever

"and I told him! I told him it wasn't me! I didn't know...!" His voice breaking "H-he acts as if my mother's cancer was caused by me as well when I don't have control over that..."

he felt numb "I cant even tell anyone because all they do in the end is betray me and hate me over misunderstanding over a think I d-didint even do"

he inhales and exhaled feeling exhausted "m-my dog juniper died last night too" he chokes back. the hero is listening

"your... Friend made her die sooner. she was a young pup and he aged her up to be at least 15 making my only companion die when she only has lived for 2 years...."

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