4. Need You Now

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Pictures of me and Nate were tossed onto the bed, most of them stacked haphazardly into a pile in the corner as I rested my mostly bare back against Slater's front. I was aware that we were in a rather intimate position, but I didn't care at the moment. I was comfortable. In the last few weeks Slater and I had become fairly close. He had even taken up residence in Sean's room with me and become my shoulder to cry on. We had talked a little about everything, but it had taken me a little while to finally break down and tell him about what had happened between me and Nate. As soon as I had finished my story he had offered to go kick some ass, but I didn't need that. I just needed a companion I didn't feel bad about pulling from his daily duties. Sean was happier with this since he didn't have to deal with me crying, chick flicks or 'nasal seepage'. I was grateful that my period had finally ended. I didn't know what I would do today if I were still on it.

I was mostly grateful for the fact that Slater actually understood what I was going through to some point. His mate had been a human that had rejected him upon finding out what he was. He was adamant that it was different for us since Nate and I had developed an actual bond before the rejection. Either way, Slater knew what it was like to be without a mate and I was lucky to have him around to help me make it through this. I was tired of burdening Sean with it and Sean was happy to have a reprieve.

"You sure you're okay doing this, Tora?" Unlike everyone else in the world, Slater refused to call me by anything other than my full name and I actually enjoyed it. I nodded in response and brushed a hand through my mop of dark curls in order to pull them out of my face. Another set of hands appeared in my hair and Slater began to brush my hair back, all the while soothing me with his actions. I was lucky that he was doing this since it also created a breeze on my shoulders and back and helped cool me down a little. I had been uncharacteristically warm since yesterday and I was worried I was getting sick. It wasn't common that we got sick since we had such amazing immune systems, but it happened.

"M'fine." I mumbled, leaning back into his hands. A moan bubbled out of my throat and I couldn't fight the urge to rub against Slater in the sluttiest manner possible. Something that was way out of character for me. He continued to message my scalp for a few minutes, earning moans and whimpers from me until he finally stopped and leaned in to sniff me.

I was weirded out partially, but instead of freaking out I questioned what was going on.

"Tora, you're recently turned 18, right?" I nodded at this and sent him an odd look. His wolf was beginning to surface and I was worried. "Have you had your first Heat?"

My face reddened and I shook my head. Heat was a period where female Shifters go through a forced ovulation which nearly always results in pregnancy, much like lions. It was an awkward and painful time if the woman chose not to be relieved and there wasn't much anyone could do for her at that point. If she chose to be relieved, a male of her choice helped her through the two day process and then - as horrible as it sounds - followed her out on the third day and shifted along with her to chase and mate with her for a final time. This final time was a confirming bond with the female Shifter that insured pregnancy. If a couple began the process, they were forced to finish it unless they wished to draw out the pain and discomfort for the female.


Shit was right. If I was starting my Heat, I had no idea what I was going to do. A condom or any form of contraceptive wouldn't work, the Goddess had insured that we could reproduce beyond any modern technologies. I could always suffer through it, but it also made a long few days for anyone who got within a certain distance of me. My body pushed out a scent that was intoxicating to not only males, but arousing for females and was known to push other females into their Heat cycles. It was a dangerous and tense time for all Shifters over the age of 18.

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