Chapter 10

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I'm headed into the cliff that i saw in the forest to start the plan..

I can float in the air because of my five senses but those toxicordyceps gonditeralis told me that it has its own limits.

I started manipulating every toxicordyceps gonditeralis in this world to fall on the cliff.. this is the only way to save the world... We don't have a choice.. but to kill them all.

There's so many toxicordyceps gonditeralis!

I'm manipulating them but not those people who have them.. so yeah those who have toxicordyceps gonditeralis are safe..

They said that if the toxicordyceps gonditeralis isn't fully formed in your body you'll be safe but if the toxicordyceps gonditeralis is in your body within two to three months.. you'll die immediately.

I'm doing this for the sake of our world!I can do this!

I saw Yhoui hiding in the tree, shit you shouldn't be here!

Shit my head hurts!but I need to make things go right! A little more Xcyqueille Anastasia!

Last one!last one! And yes I did it...

War is over..

But.. I feel like my body can't take it anymore.. I used too much power..

Until now , it is funny that I don't know what I am.. but I remember now.. I don't belong here..

I belong somewhere..

where people around me can find their own peace..

"Tasia please... Don't leave me.."

I wanna live too...

Is it too much to ask for...

To live peacefully..


when I was 7 years old..

"Mom! Dad! please spare me... Don't do this to me..."

They injected me with something..

"Shut up you stupid child!" Dad scolded me.

They never treated me as their child or a person..

The next day.. I was laying in their secret laboratory.. I looked in the mirror and saw myself looking like some weird shit.

Did I become an alien?why my face is melting.

"Mom! Dad!" I am frustrated and traumatized about what i just saw..

My eyes were gray and I have those toxicordyceps gonditeralis..

My five senses are strong! What the hell is happening.. they're coming!

"She's our daughter freidenstein! I love her!" Mom was crying..

So it's only dad's fault...

"Shut the fuck up! You're such a disappointment! Even if that was my child i do not give a fuck okay? So are you saying that you're going to choose her over me?!"

What the hell? He's a psychopath.. I feel bad for myself and for my mom.

She's just brain washed... He manipulated us! I hate him!

"No... Please don't leave me freidenstein.."

Love is really blind.

'end of the flashbacks'

Now I know why...

"I love you Yhouiken.. I will find you in my next life and make it right.." I said while crying..

I know that.. this will be my last time in this world.. so I'll make sure that everyone is happy even though..

I'm not here anymore for them..

"Please... Don't die..." I feel like I'm going to tear apart... Shit I don't want to do this.. but I need to.

"Yhouiken... Promise me to love the woman that you really love.." I smiled forcely.

"No! You're the only one I want Tasia please don't say that!" Shit.. it hurts..

"Please don't be selfless... You know it yourself yhouiken.. your feelings for me is just an infatuation.. you just pity me.. because you know how much I love you and what I am going through.. so please think about yourself.. I want some peace.. and that peace is to make everyone's happy." He hugged me..

I love you Yhouiken.. but I know you love the woman that you rejected before... You rejected her because you feel sorry for me.. having this kind of life.. full of sacrifices but no one is here to sacrifice his own life for me..

"Take the risk... Before It's too late." I smiled at him for the last time and hugged him back.

I manipulated him to go and find that woman... So he can live peacefully.

The girl that I'm talking about is the girl that used to love him so much.. until now.. she's waiting for the chance to make things work with him..

It was his childhood friend.. Iachne Cigua Deflanio..

Actually yolo doesn't like Iachne.. yolo and yhouiken are just the same, yolo feels sorry for Iachne from having a tough life.. Her mother and father always compared her to me..

I remember when her mother said that. 'I wish you're not my daughter at all Iachne! why can't you do the things that Anastasia can do?!' I guess that's why Iachne hated me..

I love you all.. please don't forget about me..

This is the only option to go where I really belong..

I belong somewhere...

Somewhere we can find happiness...

And somewhere... I can rest peacefully.

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