TW: Only the plot is mine!

In the world people have superpowers that they call quirks. There are heroes and villains alike. Many people aspire to be a hero, but can't. Well, everyone says they can't. But they can.



Mama Inko.
Evil doctor 😈


Izuku Midoriya. A plain boy with freckles decorating his cheeks, bright green eyes with matching curly green hair. That's how he looks. He's always so happy. Of course he is, he consistently has such a big smile on his face, so much that some people think it's fake! He's always writing in that notebook too. "It's for hero work in the future," he says. Of course, despite his kind face and actions everyone still makes fun of him. They don't think he can become a hero. But he's such a nice boy, and he's brave and re-assuring. Not to mention smart.

So why do they think he cannot become a hero? Well..


Izuku jumped up as soon as his alarm hit it's usual time for him to wake up, 8:00. He bounced on the bed as his mother entered the room with breakfast on a tray, only to see she sadly couldn't surprise her son. "Hello Izuku. " She said softly, stepping into the room. Izuku greeted her excitedly and she ruffled his hair, making him blush from embarrassment. Though it was nice.

She sat on the bed and gave him the plate of food and he looked down to see his favorite American All might recommended breakfast. "Complete with a fried egg and some tea!" She quoted, giving Izuku tea in an All Might themed cup. Izuku teared up quickly and hugged her. "I love you mommy.. " he muttered, failing to keep his thoughts to himself. Inko almost burst out crying out of love. She quickly drew back and said, "Eat your breakfast and get ready, we are going to the doctor!" She beamed. Izuku gasped. He quickly smiled and picked up his chopsticks, knowing why they were going. "Okay!"


Izuku drank the rest of his tea speedily and jumped off, making the tray on his bed slip a bit. He quickly picked a blue shirt that said "Shirt" in Japanese with white jeans shorts. He grabbed an All Might figurine that Kacchan gave him for his 4th birthday and sprinted out of his room. "Mama! I'm ready to be a hero!" He flailed his arms around and ran to his mom with a wide smile. She turns around quickly and smiles even wider. She picked Izuku up by the waist and spun him around the living room before hugging him close.

"I'm sure you will be a great hero, Izuku!" The green haired woman cheered. She put her son down, and he bounced around while she got her handbag. "Let's go! Let's go!" He spun around hastily and zoomed the figurine in his hand around. She chuckled, and put some cash in her purse, and locked it up inside her bag. "Alright." She walked over and held out her hand. Izuku immediately grabbed it and led her outside, and to the bus stop. A bus came soon after, and they got in.


The bus drove away as the small family entered the clinic. It looked a bit rusty, and it was awfully cheap, but it had good reviews. Inko trusted the people. They walked speedily through the quiet halls, mostly because of Izuku's excitement. Finally, they reached their designated room and entered it. A woman with medium length hair picked up a little girl and held her close. The girl's brown hair and pink cheeks made Izuku's heat up to be the same color. The woman picked up her small purse. As she walked out of the room, Izuku noticed the girl looking at him with a slightly opened mouth and her palm faced him, mimicking a wave. He heard her mother say "You have a wonderful quirk Ochaco!" And some other unimportant things. Ochaco. A nice name. "Come in!" The doctor said, his mother walked into the room with a nice smile, despite the odd look of the man. Doctors have glasses sometimes, but not weird and circular like this. It had a thick golden frame, weirdly similar to a minion's from one of his favorite movies. It was also green on the lenses, so you couldn't see his eyes.

They shrugged it off as a quirk thing.

"I am doctor Ujiko. You said you wanted a check up and to see if he has a quirk?" He asked. Inko nodded. "Alrighty then! Just hand him over and I'll do the check up. You can stay here or wait outside, though I need to go in a different room to check what his quirk is, and you won't be able to enter. Unless you have yourself a new quirk of course." He laughed, and smiled at Izuku, and the green haired boy didn't know if he was trying to be creepy, but he was.

After the check up, the doctor led the small boy into a room with a two way mirror. "All you have to do is sit in that chair," he pointed to the chair and pushed him towards it. "and in order to see your quirk I have to go in there." he pointed to the room with the glass. Izuku couldn't see inside.

It looked like just a normal chair, though with a green cushion in a similar color to Mr. Ujiko's glasses. "Go on, no time to lose." The doctor pushed Izuku a little harder.

He took a deep breath and walked over to the chair, which Ujiko smiled at. He went over to the other room, and closed the door. Izuku heard a whirring sound from above him. He looked up to see a helmet on the ceiling.

Process Starting now...

Izuku heard a noise coming from the helmet above him as it lowered and attached to his head. He felt knots in his stomach as his palms started to glow a green hue. The green light traveled up his arms, into his neck and on his forehead. He swore he heard a cackle from the doctor in the other room.

Now Izuku was a rule-abiding citizen, and the doctor never said he wasn't allowed to leave the seat. The light on his forehead increased and looked to be getting pulled into the helmet, meanwhile his head was starting to burn. Izuku was terrified, and when he was terrified, he followed others advice to get out of the situation. He searched his brain, but found nothing. The ground felt like it was shaking, his head was on fire and his heart almost beat out of his chest. He felt lightheaded as he longed for a solution to his pain. He suddenly got an idea. The teacher said whenever there was a fire, he was to evacuate immediately. He looked up to the helmet, and the light was being pulled speedily, and his energy was draining. Fast.

Izuku was an obedient boy. And his head felt like it was on fire.

So, he evacuated.

Only, a little too late.

He ran from the chair, to the other room and into his mother's arms, tears in his eyes. "Izuku?! what's wrong!" She exclaimed. "Mommy- He st- He stole my-"


Inko watched as an arrow was pierced in her son's neck. As soon as it hit him, he passed out. "Tsk, what a little gremlin! I managed to steal his quirk, but the quirk stealer was still going when he ran out! Ah, probably taking his energy or just a malfunction." He muttered, before noticing the terrified woman hugging her son. Tears streamed down her face. "Please! Please tell me he's okay-" "Oops, missed one!"


The Ururaka family suddenly heard a second gunshot, making them even more scared than before. "What was that, daddy?" A little girl questioned. "N-nothing, 'Chaco! Hey, how about we get some Takoyaki?" He distracted her. "Really?! Yay!" She yelled as he nodded, faking a smile. Her mother smiled too, quickly buckling Ochaco's seatbelt, and then her own. "Let's go now, Sweetie." Mrs. Ururaka urged her husband, and he hummed. He quickly backed up and out of their parking space with the car they rented, and drove away as fast as he could without breaking the speed limit.

They soon reached a restaurant and got out of the car, Ochaco holding her father's hand. They entered, getting welcomed and bowing before finding their seat. "What would a lovely family like you like to eat?" a waitress complimented. "Three Takoyaki please. One small, two large."

"Okay, pay here." The waitress held out a portable card machine. He smiled and entered his credit card. Total: 1,300 yen The machine rang, and Mr. Ururaka finished paying.


"Yea you should just give up on being a hero, kid." Doctor Ujiko stated. "As this X-ray shows, you have an extra joint in your pinky toe, meaning you have absolutely no chance of developing a quirk." The doctor lied.

"Sorry, Izuku Midoriya. You're quirk less."

Izuku dropped his toy. Quirk less? But...but how? What? Why?  "A-are you sure?" His mother asked frantically. 

"Yes," the doctor turned to the x-ray machine. "As you can see. This scan here shows that he has a double joint in his pinky toe, and it's common knowledge amongst doctors that it meant the person didn't have a quirk. He won't develop one any time soon, or ever. Sorry kid."

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