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Eraser head was a new underground hero.

So, he started out in a fairly safe area. There were occasional villain attacks and muggings, more at night than day though.

Luckily, that was perfect for him.

So here was 22 year old Aizawa Shota standing on a rooftop, looking up at the full moon. The night had been fairly quiet, and he was more relaxed.  He looked down into the empty alleyway and sighed. There was a vending machine and a dumpster, but nothing else.

He continued patrolling again for a few more minutes until he heard something. When he went to the scene, he saw below him a couple of older men trying to have their way with a girl that looked less than age appropriate. Aizawa furrowed his brows in anger. How could someone do this?

It doesn't matter, because he's going to stop those creeps. He jumped from the roof, about to fall onto one of the men when they both started screaming in pain. While in the air, he wondered if that was the woman's quirk, but dismissed the idea as the woman looked confused at their pain.

He hopped down onto one of the down men, the latter having the air knocked out of him. The woman yelped at his presence while he quickly captured the villains and sealed them together. He looked at her after. and she was shaking in terror looking at him. "A-are you a vigilante...?" She asked wearily.

Eraser shook his head quickly and called the authorities after. he told the woman to stay here so  the police could get her statement and after the cops arrived, he hopped between the buildings and left. 

He stayed quiet on the buildings for a while. Something was off.... 

He looked around, checking his surroundings. There was nothing alarming, but still. Something is going on, and he needed to know what. He felt as if he was being monitored closely, analyzed even. It gave the hero an uneasy feeling.

He still saw nothing but the stars glowing brightly in the dark sky, and the crescent moon reflecting light unto them all. Should he ignore it? What else can he do? He can't even see or hear whatever 'it' is. It's just a feeling. What can he do about it? Nothing. So, he just pretended like it wasn't there. He went through the rest of the night, arresting 3 muggers successfully and going home right after, yet still the feeling was there. He wondered if he should tell anyone about it or investigate it himself. He sighed and shook his head, getting a headache as he walked into his small home.

He can think about it later.

Eraser went in his bedroom in his same clothes and plopped down unto his bed, and snoring was heard immediately after, because he fell asleep on the spot.

At 8 am.

Tomorrow night he's on patrol again, as usual. This time he saw a green haired little boy sleeping in an alleyway. His heart hurt as he jumped down to see the boy in tattered clothes, with a black backpack and a notebook in hand. He wondered if he should wake the boy, or just take him to the station. He decided to get an explanation. He shook the boy, and the green eyed child awoke. He looked groggy. blinking a few times and rubbing his eyes. "Hey kid, are you okay?" Eraser asked with a worried tone. 

"U-uh...who are you?" The child asked. "I'm a hero. I'm here to save you. Why are you out in this alleyway?" The hero asked.

"W-well... I don't know. I...couldn't find mommy or my house." The child explained, shivering as a cold breeze blew past. He must be missing, Eraser concluded.

The new hero then picked up the boy after comforting him, and found his name was Izuku Midoriya. The boy was apparently quirkless. That didn't matter, though. He wondered why the boy looked so scared of being hurt when he told Eraserhead of his lack of power. Abuse maybe? No, the child clearly misses his mother. Perhaps bullying. Quirk discrimination.

When Aizawa had found out for how long the child was gone, he was surprised. How did he survive? How was he not noticed by anyone in all this time? Where even was he?

Those questions were about to be answered. Just then, the boy asked to go to the bathroom. Eraser had a bad feeling then but let him go anyway. They waited outside the bathroom for a good few minutes, him and Naomasa Tsukauchi the detective. He didn't come back. Eraser went in the bathroom, calling out. "Midoriya? Midoriya?" He said but had no answer. when he checked the stalls, he saw that all of them were open. But he was in not one. Nowhere. 

What the?


"He's not here. He's gone missing. Again." Eraser said, stepping out of the male bathroom.

Izuku, who was in the vents. watched as they searched all of the station for him but to no avail. Why did he hide? He didn't know. He guessed he didn't want to go back to a hero. or to being bullied. He could survive just fine. And he still wanted to save people, but now maybe in a different way. The woman that Mr.Eraserhead saved asked if he was a vigilante. Eraserhead was not. But he could be.

After all, he had something better than a quirk. 

Eraserhead sighed, wondering what they should tell the frantic mother. She just arrived at the station searching for Midoriya, but he wasn't even there.  Where was he?

Not here, that's for sure. Even so, he couldn't help but have the same feeling he did from two nights ago. The feeling of being watched and analyzed.


I think not.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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