

 Inko and Mitsuki interacting.


A white-haired man gritted his teeth as he watched 3 people walk away. A Yakuza leader, the leader's successor, and his successor. His red eyes glowed in the dark.

"Tsk. I'll have to fetch him another time then. Adoption is good anyway. That way, he'll think of us as father and son. Hm. Kurogiri, teleport me back home."

The creature besides him didn't respond. It only twitched. It looked like a dead boy with cloudy hair, his eyes were rolled back, and he was slightly foaming at the mouth. He had a suit on, and a shock collar. The man had the remote. He zapped the dead body, and a cloud appeared. The villain sighed. "Hopefully the quirk Garaki stole will be good enough to make him listen without me having to shock him. I have to admit, he found a good one. I didn't expect it to also hide his identity." The villain grinned.

"Ah well, if it didn't, we could just find something else that would. As they say, the more the merrier." He entered the portal, his personal corpse following behind.


Tears spilled from Inko's eyes as she watched her husband's dead body lay on the hospital bed. Why'd they even bring him here? To what, hide him? Everyone already knows he's dead. And it's not like they care.

He's never coming back.

She won't ever experience the soft touch of her husband's hands wrapping around her body, protecting her.

He'll never reassure her that everything is okay again.

Her lips will never touch his.

His body was cold. She knew, she always read him like a book. But now there was no expression on his pale face, only a relaxed look that'd never change.

He'd never even gotten to meet Izuku.

She fell on her knees as her world fell apart. Izuku! She'd told him that Hisashi was coming home today, but..

What's she going to tell him now?

That he died?

That he'll never get see his father?

That she lied?

He was probably waiting for her right now, while she stood there, broken. Then she realized.

It was a school day. She gasped and rushed past all the nurses and outside. Hot tears ran down her face like a rushing waterfall as she searched for her son. She ran and ran, adrenaline pumping into her veins. She reached the spot where she'd told him where to go. There lay a singular black bag with a green water bottle on the side.

She looked around and screamed. "Izuku!?" She exclaimed. There was no answer, which only made her more anxious.

Did something happen?

Is her son with his friends?

Did someone take him?

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