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Stans POV:

As class goes on, it looks like everyone forgot about our situation. It was either that they didn't care or they found something else to go crazy over. RINGG!! The bell rings and shocks Mr. Garrison awake. He picks up his glasses and stands up, obviously looking like he doesn't get payed enough. Bebe is in the corner secretly eating the candy people got her for her birthday, Clyde is talking to Tolkien about how much his parents salary is, the girls are talking about new board games to play, Wendy is studying as usual, Butters is just sitting still with that stupid smile on his face, and Cartman is... staring at me?? I look at him back and copy the face he's making at me. A face that obviously looks like he's up to something. He stares at me and darts his eyes to my neighbor, Kyle, Then he picks up his hands and imitates kissing gestures. I look at him and look at Kyle and realize what he's signaling, and I crumbled a piece of paper and threw it at him. "Stanley eyes up here!" Mr. garrison yelled while pointing at the chalkboard, that's completely empty. He goes on and rambles about his new relationship and puts everybody to sleep, Until the bell rings again for lunch time. The whole class jumps up from their seats at the same time and rushes out of the class while pushing other kids in order to get through the tiny door. The halls are crowded in seconds with kids trying to get their lunches from their lockers. Until I see Kyle putting in the combination for his locker, god he looks so pretty when he doesn't know he's being watched. I feel like I should have to pay to look at him, almost like I'm in a art museum and taking a glimpse at the Mona Lisa. That's how beautiful he is. But I think we're going to have to get more comfortable with this whole relationship thing before I could ever tell him that. My intuition tells me he finds this whole thing extremely embarrassing, so I try my best not to cling all over him. I have a serious problem with being attached to people, that was one of the reasons Wendy broke up with me because I "gave her no space."

Kyles POV:

I put the combination of my locker in hoping this stupid shit opens. It always gets jammed and I have to ask for assistance to open it, which I get ripped on for. I take a Deep breath while I smash the numbers in and it clips open. I did a little happy dance before getting my stuff out of my locker, the usual for lunch, my lunch box, my glasses, and a book. I love to read in my spare time because it takes me into a different world from the shitty one I live in. Well, my universe isn't that shitty, I have my super best friend-I mean boyfriend, I have my little brother, and I have my parents. I open the little glasses case and put the glasses on my face, I hate wearing these stupid things because they give me a headache, but my mom told me I need to wear them to strengthen my left eye, So I made a compromise that I would only use them when I'm reading. I shut my locker and notice Stan waiting for me with a book in his hand, I'm confused a little bit because he always said he hates reading, but today he even looks different. It looks like he washed his hair for the first time and is purposely putting it outside of his hat for people to notice, and he's wearing a new Jersey that looks different from his old one. His eyes widen and sparkle when we meet eye contact, His smile widens while he walks over to me, "Hey dude! Wanna read together?" Stan said while smiling wide, "since when do you read?" I ask him "since.. now?" He joked "what are you reading" I ask him while leaning to see what the book is "Harry Potter" he giggled, "bro.. is that really the second book? Did you even read the first one?" I said while picking the book up, "no dude I just got it from the library" Stan said jokingly, "let's go outside."

Stans pov:

I don't know why I picked up a book, I don't even read. I knew that Kyle likes to read and I want to have a similar hobby with him. Ever since we confirmed our relationship he's been kind of avoiding me, but maybe it's because it's a big change. "Let's go outside." Kyle said while grabbing my hand and leading me to the playground area, there was only one other person there and that was Bradley, Henrietta's brother. All alone at the swings pretending to have someone else occupying the other swing. We sat on a bench and Kyle opens his book. It was something about psychology and the book was as thick as a brick, it had got to be over 1,000 pages long. I don't know how Kyle isn't intimidated by the size of that book, you would have to kill me before you could get me to read that thing. "So.." I said awkwardly while opening the middle part of the book, "how do I start?" I asked Kyle, the only book I've ever read was manga, and I'm pretty sure it's opposite than a real book. "Dude. No way." Kyle said while giving me a side eye, "you have to open it from the beginning?? And read it??" He explained while taking the book from my hands and opening it from the beginning, "Like this." He gives the book back to me while returning to his latest chapter. I read a couple chapter in my book before I lose interest and put it down, not that it wasn't interesting, but I need to stay something, and I need to say it now. "Kyle" I said with a blank-like voice, "ya dude?" Kyle said while putting a bunny ear on his page so he didn't get lost. "Can we talk about something?" I said while trying to rearrange the thoughts in my head in order to say them, "ya dude.. what about?" Kyle said, "our friendship- I mean, our relationship." I stated almost instantly.

Kyle's POVS:

Uh oh. What do I do?? I thought I could just ignore this for a week and hope for it to go away but that's not going to be the case at all! I realized he's making a puzzled look like he's trying to figure out what to say, which is kind of cute. Wait what? Never-mind we have to get to the problem at hand. Well, is this really a problem? I don't know!! "Ya dude sure" I spitted not knowing what to say. "Uh, look. If you need some more time before we jump into a relationship it's totally fine with me. Just knowing you like me back is great, but you've been avoiding me ever since I held your hand. And it leads me to assume that you don't wanna do this. WHICH IS FINE! I'll wait for you as long as you need!" Stan rambles. So badly I wanted to say yes, I've never even been in a relationship before and im suddenly dating my best friend? Im not prepared for this, I don't think anybody would be if they were in my shoes. But I have to keep the dare alive. I will not lose to Cartman, "Stan. Stop. I don't wanna end this. I'm just getting used to the new changed, but I want this so don't worry" I said trying to stop him from rambling, "okay.. sorry.. so we're like, still a thing?" Stan said while looking to the floor. There's only one thing I can do in this situation to put Stan on board, and I have to do it. I tilted his head up and gave him a peck on the cheek, I am NOT ready for a peck on the lips, so this'll have to do. When I pulled away the realization set in on what I did. Stans face was red as a tomato and he his eyes were completely open, "dude you look like a tomato!" I said while laughing, "shut up! No I do not!" Stan proclaimed. Suddenly, a staff member came outside and saw us, "KIDS GET INSIDE! ITS 30 MINUTES PAST LUNCH!" Apparently we didn't even see Bradly go back inside, because we were both hung up in our own heads. I looked back at Stan's horrified expression as he yelled back at the teacher, I couldn't make out what exactly he was saying even tho he was right next to me, and I caught myself staring at him. I started noticing the little features of Stan, like how he has a scar on his forehead and his eyelashes are longer than usual, Stuff I wouldn't usually notice.

...I'm starting to realize that maybe I'm not doing this for the dare.

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