First date

375 11 31

Kyle POV

It's been about 4 days since I've been "dating" Stan Marsh. And it's Weirdly comforting, having someone care about you, you sometimes forget the harsh reality of it all. If never been in a true relationship with anyone before, and the constant reassurance that somebody cares about me is the bright side of this dare. *RINNG* that was the bell for lunch, everyone jumped up and grabbed their lunchboxes. "Hey dude" Stan said while approaching me? "Please don't tell me your gonna go read again. I cant survive 30 minutes of that" Stan chuckles, "fine then, what do you want to do?" I asked him, "what if we go to the lunch table with the friendgroup like old times. Are you ok with that?" Stan suggested, I stopped eating with the friendgroup last year because I was tired of hearing Cartman eat in my ear. But it has been kinda lonely at the park. "Ok sure I can do that." I told him, "you sure? You won't be able to read" he asks, "I'll give it a try." I told him. We walk to the cafeteria in hopes that people in our friendgroup still sit there. Stan split from the table around the same time I did to sit with Wendy. But after the recent breakup, he's forbidden from sitting there. We sit down and surprisingly enough almost everyone is sat in their seats exactly from last year. Cartman, tweak, Craig, Jimmy, Kenny, and some 4. Clyde was sitting where Stan used to this, since he's in a relationship with Bebe now. "Hey guys" Stan said while sitting down, "uh.. what are you doing here" Craig asked, "well, I got kicked out from the girls table, and Kyle is just here." Stan explained, "ew why are the fags hanging with us" Cartman said, "your annoying as always"

we all sat down and ate our lunch. Cartman was ranting to Kenny about how stupid the girls are, Tweak and Craig were sharing food, and Stan was eating silently. He looks like a bus hit him, his hair was out of his hat, his eye bags were dark and glowing, and his clothes looked like they haven't been washed in months. "Dude, are you ok?" I whispered to him, he put his hand up to his face to whisper in my ear, "I forgot how draining cartmans yapping can be. Probably the reason why I was depressed last year." Stain whispered to me and it made me chuckle, my laughing ultimately made him laugh too, and his whole face shined. Like everything I just said about him went away. He looks beautiful when he's happy, I wanna be with him for the rest of my life. Wait, what am I thinking about? That was super gay. "Eat your food dumbass" I said jokingly trying to get him to stop laughing. He calmed down and focused on finishing his meal. "RINGG" that was the bell for our last class, we all got up and threw our stuff away and began to walk to next bell. "Hey, I have something I want to ask you after class, is that okay?" Stan asked me in a low tone, I chuckled, "dude, you don't have to ask me for permission to ask me a question lmao" I said while  chuckling.

Its the end of last bell and everyone starts packing their things to go home. I'm probably not going to get any sleep tonight because I have to study for the SOLs coming up.."hey dude!" Stan walks towards me, a pain suddenly hits my chest when I saw him. "What you doin?" Stan questions, "nothing much, I'm about to go home." I said, "oh, well.. do you think you want to.. go on a date tonight?" Said asks, my heart went from in pain to completely stopping, I don't know why I'm reacting this way if I don't even like him. "Ya!" I said without thinking, what am I saying? I have to study tonight! "Cool! I'll come to your house at 6?" Stan said. Crap, Stan cant come to my house and pick me up because my mom thinks I'm going to be studying, "how about I come to your house at 6??" I said, maybe if I say I'm gonna be studying with Stan she'll let me go."ya sure I'm fine with that" Stan said. "See you later!" Stan said was walking away.


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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