Payback - What if the player died?

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This is an example for what prompts will look like.

Requested by: (Requester)


The player enters the throne room, where the King awaits.

"Ah. Geno Banks (My character). Destroyer of Fort Talos, and Murderer of General Argos." His tone was cold, and his gaze was unmoving from Geno, ignoring Neviro entirely.

"You don't seem angry about it." Geno retorts, to which the king responds,

"Believe me, I was mad when the Death Curse was snatched from underneath my nose. That curse thief - Morden, was it? Stole what was rightfully the order's." The King got up from his throne, pointing his trista at Geno.

"For that, you both will pay the price."

Geno's eyes widen as a blast flew out of the king's Trista.

"Look out!" Geno shouts, an aura starting to surround him in blue electricity.

(Characters can have certain gimmicks, and I will judge if they are too op)

Neviro was pushed out of the way as Geno took a blow to his armor, the beam barely missing his chest and hitting the wall behind them both - The King was not to be underestimated, that's for sure. 

"I can't take him, Neviro! Run!" Geno shouts to Neviro, who shakes his head. "I must avenge my kingdom!" Neviro charged forward to the King, who let him approach.

"Your 'kingdom' was standing in the way of Ravenna's greatness." The King slapped away the frail old man, disarming him and shot him through the chest.

"No! Why?! He didn't do anything to deserve this!" Geno shouted at the King, who laughed. 

"Now that the fodder has been taken care of..."

His expression returns to his previously serious one.

"Come at me." The King raises one hand, signaling him to fight him.

Purple electricity swarmed him. Geno was now at 100%.

He dashed forward as quick as thunder, trying to hit the King but he used his Aether magic to keep dodging. "Why not take a break? I can do this all day." The King grinned.

"How does he-" a kick barrage.

"Do this-" 2 magic blasts on either side.

"Repeatedly?!" A pulsar aimed directly for him was shot out but was dispelled by a single swipe of the King's finger.

"You'll be with him soon." The King told Geno, kicking him in the gut and knocking the wind out of him.

He slammed into the wall besides the door, getting up slowly.

"Just give up. It'll be much easier that way." The King told Geno, who denied the stairway to heaven.

"I can't allow you to get away with this..." Geno panted and wheezed.

"Quite the hero, aren't you?" The King, amused by this, chuckled.

Geno coughed up blood, falling back down to the ground.


"That wasn't even 5% of my own power. What makes you think you can take on the Order?"

"You must..."


The King sees what he's trying to do now.


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