3rd prompt - What if Iris betrayed the player?

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At silverhold...

Commodore Kai had been contacted by the higher-ups at the order of Aesir, commanding him to deliver a message.

"It will be done." The commodore bowed, as the hooded figure swiftly left his office.

Outside the building, a girl with vermillion hair walked towards the visitor entrance, wanting to see if there are any kind of lead on the Order's motives.

Scott Baldwin nodded at her request, searching through his paperclip for any logged ship activity.

"You know, when I was your age, little girl, I had heard of that name once. Legends of an organization, pulling the strings in the shadows... I never thought of it as true, but I'll humor you."

"Thanks, old man."

"The name's Scott."

He flipped through page by page, but it seemed like it his long sight had gotten even worse than before. Even with glasses, his eyes were practically blind.

He attempted to focus in on the clipboard, only to find nothing but assassin syndicate ships logged.

"Ah, it appears that there aren't any. I really wanted to help, but it appears that the rumors about an order aren't true after all."

She sighed. Of course the Order could hide there whereabouts that easily.

"A-ah! Commodore, sir!" Scott saluted the commodore after having finally recognized him.

"At ease." Kai told him. "You're too old for this job. You have to rest."

Scott nodded, looking down.

"Follow me, girl. There's something I need to discuss with you." Kai spoke coldly and harshly just like how he would interrogate a criminal.

Iris gulped at the tone, and nodded, following after the high-ranking officer.

They went into his office, where he pulls up a photo of her father, bruised and battered. Her emerald eyes started to fill with tears.

"The Order has an offer for you." Kai spoke, putting his right hand on his saber.

"WHERE DID YOU PUT MY FATHER?!" She exploded with magic, causing the Commodore to flinch.

"QUIET, GIRL." He slaps her across the face, Will Smith style.

"No. Tell me where he is!" She shouted, to which the Commodore pulled out his saber and knocked her out cold with the base.

"We'll try this again in a couple of hours." He muttered, grabbing his cup of coffee and drinking from it. He knows that if he didn't drink that cup, he would most likely be asleep when she wakes up. While she is sleeping, he gets an idea. He takes out his magic restraining cuffs, and cuffs her hands with it.

~A few hours later~

When she wakes up, she is treated to the Commodore staring at her, a look of exhaustion written all across his face.

She tries to activate her magic, but Kai raises a hand. "I gave you some magic restraining cuffs."

Surely enough, she looks down and sees that she's cuffed.

"Now, I ask again. Will you accept the offer."

"I can't refuse it, can I?" Iris sobbed.

"If you do what the Order orders you to, then your father will be free, and you two can reunite. Do you not want that?"


"I believe I've gotten the message across."

"..." Iris' tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Answer me, girl."


"Speak up."


"I SAID SPEAK UP!" The commodore slammed his left palm against his office desk, almost destroying it entirely.

"Yes sir..!"

"Good." He nodded in satisfaction. "The Order wants you to locate these two." He showed a picture of both Morden and Geno. "When you've found an opportunity to capture them, blow into this whistle." He hands Iris a green whistle.

Iris, with shaking hands, takes the whistle.

"The Order doesn't like traitors. So if you dare do anything to help those two escape from the Order, then your father will be executed, and you will be hunted down. Do you understand?"



"Yes sir..!" She was at the brink of breaking down. If she betrayed Geno's trust, she could be reunited with her father, and lead a good life as she always wanted. On the other, if she helps them escape, she'll risk dying.

"Good. You may now leave."

The cuffs are separated from her body, and she could now walk.

From there, the story continues the same way.

She sat at the camp, holding the whistle, wondering if she should do it. She could escape to the Nimbus sea, they'd never find her... Right?

"The Order doesn't like traitors. If you do anything to help them escape, you will be hunted and your father will perish."

She didn't want her father to die, much less herself.

"Uh, Iris? You've been holding that for a while now... What's going on?"

With fear of him finding out, she blows the whistle.

8 hooded figures got to work, cuffing Geno and Morden.

"What the--?!" Geno questions. "What's the meaning of this?!"

"Your partner just betrayed you, idiot." One of the hooded figures said.

"Iris, why?! I trusted you! I thought you were my friend!"

Flashes of memories started to flood back for Geno. It was this same scenario that led him to this point. He was betrayed by his mother, who left him in the middle of an theatre to get captured.

"I-I'm sorry-"

Morden started to stir, but immediately widens his eyes after seeing the cuffs.

"Y-you.." He looks at Iris with shock. He sees Geno being carried away.

"I'm sorry..."

In his vision, what he saw wasn't an apology, but a taunt.

"Come on now, wouldn't you have known this by now? Never trust anyone."

Insanity had brought out the worst in him.

His eyes white out, and the cuffs break.

His energy was surging, and he knew it.

He went on a rampage, killing each and every hooded figure there.

He liked it. He liked the sound of their screams. They sounded like music to his ears.

"Morden, wait!" Geno's voice broke through the whispers, and he started to take control once more.

"Geno.." He clutched his fist hard. He had lost control again. He can't let that happen.

Iris sat down, tears flowing freely down her face.

"I-I used to think that you were an ally, a friend, a..." He attempted to bite his tongue. "A partner." He confessed. "But now I see..."

"Please, listen to me-"

"No. You've said enough, Iris. Enough is enough. I am disappointed in you."

"Consider this mercy." He took her whistle and crushed it in his hand, leaving nothing left. He took Geno, and boarded his ship, piloting it towards the Nimbus Sea.

Ren observed above, disappointed as well.

"He shouldn't have shown this much compassion for this two-faced liar." He gritted his teeth, flying off.

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