Episode 1: a new frontier

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Chapter 1: a new frontier
04/07/66 New York, United commonwealth

A yellow van with heavy ballistic armor covering most of it
It stops at a construction site that has gre banners that are covered with Rais emblems and is guarded by gre military walls, containers, gates, buildings
The gates open revealing two soldiers in enclave uniforms with one being a officer and the other in X-01 power armor
The offensive goes to the driver side window of the van
Eo:you Rais?
Rais:you know it so I assume you're vic
Eo:yeah and I am here to talk about making you X-03 power armor aka hellfire armor in exchange for something
Rais: let's talk in my office
Rais get's out and signals to a soldier to park the van
Rais:follow me
Vic and Rais go to a gre building and opens the door with a gre key
Rais:come in
Vic signals for his guard to follow him
Rais:does he need to come in
Vic:yeah because I barely know you
Rais:good point
X1:let's get this done fast
They enter and sit at a desk
Rais:so let's talk
Vic:so I make you several let's say 7 suits of hellfire power armor and you give me 3 urkrainium cores
Rais:haha you're funny you do know how valuable urkrainium cores are
Vic:and do you know how valuable and powerful hellfire armor is
Rais:why do you need urkrainium cores?
Vic:for the dam
Rais:well I don't know maybe add another hellfire set and then we are good
Vic:the best I can do I throw in 2 plasma rifles
They shake hands
Vic:thank you Mr. Lindbeck for accepting. You won't regret this
The two soldiers exit
Rais grabs a radio
Rais:prepare 3 urkrainium cores for delivery

Switch's to the pov of the crew

Loona:how far is this city
Rick:Well, we are here at...
Rick opens a map
Rick:I see we are near marshals ranch
Bb:the guy who made Marshall defense industry
Rick:yeah him
L:so I assume his ranch is the heavily armored fortress over there
Rick:then why the fuck is it called a ranch and not something like fort marshal?!
A marshal truck speeds past them
Dani:hey! That's faster than you need to go
The truck stops near the gate
Bb notices the grin on Loona's face
Loona:watch and learn
Loona switch's her form into her human form and walks up to the guards
Loona:hey there handsome's
Mg1:who the hell are you beautiful
Loona:Loona hun
Mg2:well Loona you got something for us or what
Loona: yeah I want the first one first though
Mg1:ok yeah
She pulls him closer and they kiss but then she goes down to his neck which is covered in blood and she licks it
Loona:hmm not bad
She drops him on the ground
Mg2:oh fuck
Loona throws a combat knife into his throat then takes it back
Loona:two in one
They rest sneak down to her
Bb:that worked I guess
L:was his blood at least good Loona
Loona:I wish it was
Loona transforms back into her hellhound form
Bb:take their weapons and the keys
Loona proceeds to search the bodies
Bb:we need to find a group that will accept us
Loona:you know human flesh tastes good and is pretty healthy
Bb:I don't think the others would like that
L:yeah I'm not a cannibal
Loona takes a bite out of one's flesh
Loona:never mind these guys are tasteless
Bb:just grab their rifles and pistols and don't forget the ammo
Loona grabs the requested items and puts them in a duffel bag then picks up the keys
Loona:let's hit the road
Bb:ok then, hey! Dani...Rick
Bb:we are heading out
Rick:about damn time
They get in the truck and drive off to the city

After some time...

The truck pulls up to a construction site that has gre banners that are covered with Rais emblems and is guarded by gre military walls, containers, gates, buildings
Bb:they have to accept us right
Rick:I hope
The gate opens
A few Rais elites aim assault rifles at them
A officer with a robotic left leg walks to the front holding a plasma navel revolver
?:the fuck is Marshall doing her
Bb gets out the truck with her hands up
Bb:it's me bb
The officer lowers her revolver
?;guns down men
She looks at bb and takes off her balaclava and beret
Bb:wait you look familiar
?:I better because I'm Moxxie
Bb:you still run for Rais even after the incident
Mox:yeah well I run with a few different groups because Rais wants to put his fingers in different pies
Bb:he is working with other groups?
Mox:yeah and recently he struck a deal with the enclave a trade for 3 Urkrainium cores for some hellfire power armor sets
Bb:I have to ask...do you know the nyra?
Mox: yeah they act like they are the big dogs of this city
Several shots rig out from down the street
Mox:and that must be the scouts coming back from their mission
Bb:what mission?
Mox:only can tell the high ranking soldiers
Bb:and I'm not?
Mox:you are a friend of Rais not a official soldier
Loona falls out the back
Mox:well I see she's safe from el warden
Bb:well he's dead
Mox:the fuck did you say
Bb:I killed him
Mox:oh you fucked up bb he supported the nyra for a long time
Bb:it doesn't matter because the nyra attacked us after saving us it was some guy named Kyle sashove
Mox:ah bogdan they need to get rid of him because he ruins their reputation
Bb:why doesn't Rais just take them down
Mox:they run the city they got more power ,we have trade not power so we are trying to work our way up before we do that so we struck a deal with the United commonwealth government the enclave and president Forentor
Bb:new president?
Mox:yeah about a year ago the president died from radiation poisoning as a nuke hit near the White House so he had gotten pretty bad radiation exposure so he died from it
Loona gets up and walks over to them
L:I think I saw the nyra
Bb:I see them...are they really open on top of a roof
Bb pulls out a m1911 aims and fires at the person hitting him in the head killing the scout
Mox:what the hell was that
L:they are scouting this place
Mox:well come on in and rest up before you go onto your next mission
L:thanks Moxxie
Loona pulls out her phone and walks to a nearby store outside the new tower
Bb:she has done pretty well even after the shit that happened in Los nova...fuck man the stuff she said happened between her and el warden
Mox:what even happened?
Bb:well negan sold her after capturing he at da club to him well not before Fucking her 3 times Loona said it was "not so good and small" so it seems he didn't have enough to pull a girl so that's what he did
Mox:what about el warden
Bb:even worse we literally caught him in the act and the Look on her face said everything which she hated it very much

Meanwhile in the store...

L:blitz pick up!
A man comes from the back
?:whats a pretty hellhound like you doing here?
L:hey can you not make those remarks
He walks up to her and pins her to a wall
L:Lucifer damn it
She gets flashbacks to el warden and her
L:no no no
She grabs a knife and stabs him 10 times
Then falls over crying
L:how do I fucking forget that
?:well I can help you
Loona wipes her tears away
L:what's the catch
?: you help me with a situation with marshal and Rais
L:as much as I want to forget i won't betray my family because of that
?:you don't have a choice
It's shown that the person is marshal himself
L:well fuck
He goes to grab her but she dodges and stabs him in the back with the knife
2 soldiers run in and sim at her
She pounces onto one and rips his jaw off then bites the other one in the leg making him fall she then gets on top of him and rips his throat out
L:you are so Fucking dead marshal
She turns around and he's gone
L:well he's lucky
Bb walks over
Bb:hey Loona let's head in
She looks down at her
Bb:the fuck happened here?
L:it was marshal he tried to take me but failed and ran off it seems
Bb: I've had enough today let's just go sleep now
L:yeah I agree
They walk off to the new tower aka the Empire State Building...

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