Episode 2:nothing stops in its tracks

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Chapter 2: nothing stops in its tracks
04/08/66 the tower

A military jet crashes near the tower
The pilot breaks out of the jet gets out with a pistol and sees he is surrounded by walkers
P:oh shit
It cuts to the crew
L:what the hell was that
Rais:some military jet apparently crashed west of here
Bb:so you want us to search it?
Rais:for anything from people to information
Rick:us three can do this job
Dani gives them a thumbs up
Rais:you sure you want to go just you three nobody else because there are hundreds of walkers there even more now that a whole jet is crashed just down the road
Bb:what do you think Loona
L:I should stay and you can bring v
Bb:turning down a murder party? You good Loona?
Bb:hey! We need to stick together so tell me the problem
L:well maybe it's because I don't have my adoptive family from hell
Bb:I'm sure we can get them here
L:they won't pick up and I mean blitzø, Milly, Moxxie them
Bb:I'm sure they are fine
L:just let me stay I will try some more
Bb:ok you can stay
Rais:I can comfort you Loona even if I'm not so comfortable Looking I just use my words and charisma
Loona:we'll battle worn looking people are comfortable to me
Rais:well I will be by your side
V walks down a set of stairs to the floor they are on
V:what ya talking about
She holsters her m9 beretta
Rais:not much other then you will be joining bb in place of Loona for a murder party down the road
V:well damn I like the sound of that but why isn't the hellhound that love's murder not joining us?
Loona:don't feel well right now
Rais:we can talk later
V:got it
Bb:well let's head out now
V:yeah come on Rick and Dani
Rick:let's scout the area first
The squad leaves for Union Square
After a bit of driving the stop at a watch tower at a military checkpoint
Rick:I will climb up and scout the area you guys will stay down and wait for me to finish
Rick gets out the truck and climbs up the metal ladder
Rick pulls out some binoculars
Rick:ok let's check this spot out
He notices the abundance of walkers around the jet
Rick:holy hell that must be over 100 walkers well at least it's only walkers
Rick climbs down
Rick tosses the binoculars into the suv
He then opens the passenger side door
Rick:hey v got anything that can kill hundreds of walkers with ease
V:let me check
She opens a small portal about the size of a fist and reaches in and takes out two mg42's
V:these work?
Rick:they should
V then reach's in another time and pulls out a katana with the cutting edge a laser
Rick:is that a laser katana?!
V:yeah it is and I'm going to use it
Bb:you got anything for me
V reaches in and pulls out a laser m4 assault rifle
Bb:now this is some real firepower
Dani:I will take one of those mp42's
Rick:here you go Dani
Dani:thanks Rick and v
Dani kicks open her door and gets out
Rick opens his and gets out
Rick:you could have used your hand
Dani:it was more convenient
V just appears next to them
Rick:holy hell where did you come from
V:the motherland bitch
Bb:let's go kill them
Dani pulls out a cd and puts it in the radio
It plays the song Helluva boss I.M.P. https://open.spotify.com/track/2sdwDvOsQrV1fegTS2QD7t?si=NARPkNxOR2mhCE4KS7fdpA
V:perfect song for this Dani
V then turns around and swings her katana while turning decapitating multiple walkers
Rick aims his mp42 a lights them up
Then bb jumps over a barrier made out of wood and then falls because it's wood and been there for years
Then while on the ground she shoots the walkers around her and gets up
Bb:I was hoping for a challenge
Then out of nowhere a Demolisher comes from the crowd and smashes into bb sending her flying into a fuel tanker
Bb:ah i could use some help guys
V drop kicks the Demolisher into a wall then decapitats it
Bb:that works
V pulls out a golden ivory engraved m1911 a shoots several walkers in the head to get to bb
Bb:where did you get that?
V:was a friends but she gave it to me
They see the horde is thinning
V:we are making progress
A laser pointer beam comes out of nowhere and then an explosion kills many of the walkers making there be just a few walkers left
Bb:what the fuck was that
They look at the crashed jet and sees a red talon pilot in full gear
Rtp:hands in the fucking air
Dani runs to him
He pulls a Glock 17 on her
Dani:well shit
Bb slowly starts walking closer
Rtp:command I am being approached by a group of militants
Bb:we don't want to hurt you sir
Rtp: that is captain pratt to you
Bb:we'll captain my name is bb i work with Rais and run the crew
Cp:why are you here?
Bb:to check this spot for any survivors or good stuff and you are what we found a great trainer for our pilots over at Rais
Cp:you ain't Ncr?
Bb:no the Ncr hate my people and plus we are in New York
Cp:New York? I was meant to be in LA by now
Bb:well it seems you crashed in New York not LA
Cp:well you came for me right?
Bb:not exactly but we found you so I guess so
Cp:then take me to your base
Dani:can we even trust him he is a red talon pilot
Cp:you know Dani I was one of the first people to revolt against red talon over in Montana before the bombs dropped
Dani:How do you know my name?
Cp:the visor tells me everything I need to know about you
Bb:captain Pratt you we're apart of the 45th squadron right
Cp:yeah but how did you know
Bb:snake and Lenny have been rolling with us well snake is gone now so we still have Lenny
Cp:snakes dead...
Bb:yeah and I'm sorry for not being able to save him back in Los nova
Cp:snake was going to die anyway after all we ain't young people I was 21 when we first met and he was 44 so I'm 38 now and now I'm just now finding out that ...I'm one of the two remaining soldiers of the 45th battalion
Bb:well at least you can say you were apart of the best military group in the west
Cp:I'm in the best military group in the world now
V:well captain welcome back to the team
Cp:renegade nice to see you well
Bb:well this is a nice reunion
Cp:maybe I won't be forgotten about this time
Bb:I never forgot you, you just faded from the group
They get to the suv
Bb opens the door for him
Cp:thanks bb
The rest follow into the suv
They then follow off into the sunset

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