Episode 7: hell gear

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A olive green scratched up hummer drifts into a garage door and two people get out the GRE operative and Captain John Price
Price is helping walk carrying the operative on his shoulder
Price:come on don't black out man
GRE:I don't think i will black out I think I'm gonna die
Price sets him on a table and gets a first aid kit and sets it on the table with the operative
Price Opens the first aid kit and grabs an antibiotic and put it on the gunshot when he notices the white glow
Price:he used silver bullets or what
GRE:what does it look like
Price:it has a white glow
GRE:ok, just pull out a bullet from revolver
Price pulls out is revolver and it looks like Strikers Revolver
He then takes one of the bullets
Price:what now?
GRE:now force it into there to stop the bleeding
Price places it in the hole with noticeable burning
Price:you sure this is right?
GRE:yeah yeah just do it quickly
Price quickly pushes it in with it burning into his skin closing the wounds
Price:what the fuck?
The operative gets off the table and cracks his neck
GRE:Striker isn't just anyone to me but he is my brother and i need to find him before it's to late
Price:wait the guy who tried to kill us is your brother..?!..what do we do before what?!
GRE:the GRE are going to betray him just like the Doctor did to me, the GRE hired Her to run the research in America but all she was, was a snake as she left me for dead at New Haven up in Canada
Price:so what we go find her?
GRE:by now she gots what she wants, oh and names Zodiac
Price:Captain John Price but you can call me Price
Zodiac:we need to Leave the city and head somewhere else
Price:we got Texas as an option
Zodiac:we can hit up Dallas then head to Austin Then after we get on a boat over at Galveston
Price:we can get to Europe from there
Zodiac:and hit up Italy or Spain
Price:make our way to a safe haven
Zodiac:that's the end of our story there
Price:Heard Warsaw, Poland has a big settlement there
Zodiac:we need to find the right Vehicle for that first
Price:a saw a pretty nice Sports car down the road when i was flying around here the other day
Zodiac:then we Look there to see if it's there
Price:then we have a plan
Zodiac:before we head out what does this Car look like?
Price:it's a lime green with two yellow stripes from the front middle of the hood to the back middle of the car oh and it gots two mounted .50 cals on the hood
Zodiac:let's keep an eye out for that

A dark blue pickup truck pulls into a military fort
We see bb with a fierce face with her biotic arm on the steering wheel and Rais is in the other seat with an M4A1 at his side ready for a gun fight
When they pull in a Marshall officer walks up to the side of the car
Mo:can i see a badge
Bb pulls out her Revolver and blasts the officer in the head with Rais pulling up his m4 and shoots two guards in the head
He then gets out the truck and runs into an alley and takes cover as bb drives the truck into a garage and jumps through the windshield
She then unhooks a uzi from her belt and unloads it into a few soldiers in the control room where she runs over to a terminal where she looks it over
As bb is doing that Rais climbs the building to the third floor and jumps through a window into some office which some examination turns out to be a sealed off office originally occupied by a Red Talon Commander
Rais checks the desk out and notices a few items
First is a picture of a family a reminder that these Russian Soldiers weren't all bad but lead by a bad person
Second is a nice TT-30 with a ivory grip, Silver metal plated, gold engravings with words engraved saying the sheep follow the wolf to meet the same fate. Obviously meaning that because of their leader Fairel they were being lead to the same fate
Third is a officer cap showing the rank of two star General. Showing he worked hard to become what he saw to destroy but was consumed by false information
Rais then opens the drawer to find a ball point pen, a Journal, and some pictures of a home,a Serbian Husky, and a nice country side in a Serbian mountain
Rais picks up the Journal and checks it out
It has a old vintage brown leather look with a strap that keeps it closed
Rais opens it to see orders from before the nukes and a diary of the few years after the nukes were the last words date that he left the place in search of a refugee called Fort Worth also dates that it's in Texas
Rais then sees two magazines for the TT-30 so he straps his rifle to his back and picks up the pistol and magazines then the pictures he puts in his satchel with his other magazines and puts the Cap on
Rais then kicks the barricade down and shoots two guards in the head and another in the knee cap and grabs the guard as a hostage when two more kick in a door to the stairs where Rais shoots two shots into one making fall through the railing falling three stories onto a sharp metal pole impaling him aka he was KIA
Rais also shoots the other guard in the head twice to shoot his helmet off and to kill him then executes his hostage then reloads the pistol a cocks it back and shoots a guard running up the stairs twice making her bleed out
Rais then runs down the stairs kicking the door open into another guard's face knocking him down then Rais shoots the guard in the head
He then runs down the hall grabs a fire axe from a box there and destroys the boards blocking the door way were he kicks the door open and throws the axe into a guard's head and shoots three more in the head another twice then finishes the magazine in another guard's heart
Rais then takes out the magazine and throws it at a guard's head then loads another magazine then puts another bullet into the chamber and then blows the lungs out with two shots
Then he grabs a knife from the table and throws it at a wall making to go through and hitting a propane tank exploding the wall open where there are several infected outside so Rais picks up the knife and stabs a propane tank and throws it at the infected and explodes them with the propane tank
Rais then heads over to bb and holsters the pistol
Bb:i almost got the files
Rais:we need to radio to Silver and his group to check their work on the bunker
Bb extracts the files onto a usb drive
Runs back to the garage and gets into a Marshall Pickup Truck with Rais getting into the passenger seat
Rais pulls out his radio
Rais:silver do you copy?

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