Episode 9: the fall of New York

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Niki over the headset:we are nearing the LZ captain
Rais:get me to the west waterfront, we got some supply boats crashed upon the beach
Mox:is that why we only brought our pistols and knives
Rais:they are GRE so we got some G36's with suppression cylinders on them
Rais:that too
Niki:hopefully you didn't completely fuck up this op by assuming you have weapons other then your pistols
Moxxie looks out the side of the Helo and looks upon the walled off port with the big nuclear submarine and many patrol boats
Mox:uh Commander I think this is a little too much for us two
Niki:you can't count me out, remember I'm a good shot too
Rais:no you are going to help them out
Niki:they got John and Silver, what? Lost faith in your brother's ability to fly
Rais looks down upon the place
Rais:he..he died on the space station
Niki:really? I heard him on the radio just the other day
Rais:how? He died up there, nobody saw him or heard him leave
Niki:let john fly them and bring me on this op
Rais:we need to get you a rifle then
Mox:well ain't you easy to convince
Rais:well we can use an extra gun to hit the giant submarine
Niki:landing at LZ now!
The Helo lands on a beached helicopter transporter
Rais and Moxxie jump out the side of the Helo
Niki then gets out the Helo
Niki takes her ak off her back
Niki:yeah I'm not waiting all night for y'all to get weapons
They shen get off the small ship
Rais looks around and sees a few GRE crates
Rais:over hear!
Niki:just use the headset dumbass
Rais flips his microphone on the headset down
Niki:yes you have now graduated with a degree in technical engineering just like me
Mox:I thought you did some mechanical engineering degree
Niki:I originally didn't plan to end up a government pilot for the president you know but hey I wasn't gonna pass that opportunity up
Mox:well that's interesting, never thought they would have you flying him
Niki:well i have my moments
Mox:i had my moments already
Rais tosses a silenced M4 to Moxxie
Mox:thanks Commander
Rais straps a M60 LMG to his back then picks up a silenced silver metal ebony wood bolt action rifle
Rais:this rifle reminds me of someone but I can't exactly put my finger on it
Mox:huh reminds me of Silver
Rais:yeah...silver metal for his nickname and the ebony wood is to represent his dark side
Mox:gonna miss his jokes he would make on operations
Rais:I'm gonna miss having family
Mox:he was your only relative? No kids or wife?
Rais:I've fucked up alot in my life and now soon I won't have anyone
Mox:wow I thought I had competition
Rais:...are you saying?
Mox:that i love you? Yes i do
Rais:well I don't got anything more romantic then blowing a entire submarine into pieces
Mox:purr that's my kind of date oh and don't forget the nerve racking stealth
Niki:hey can you two get a room together if you're going to just gonna fuck around
Rais:oh right yeah the operation
Mox:just toss me the steel torch so we can get through the sewer system
Niki:so why do we go through the sewers?
Rais:stealthy approach can only be done successfully by going through the sewers
Niki:and what? You were told that by Judith weren't you
Rais:well Judith is a good planner most of the time
When the get the the sewer gate moxxie turns on the steel torch and starts to cut the bars off which she does successfully
Moxxie then walks in
Mox:this is a water gate meaning there could be drowners in these waters
Rais:well we have walkers closing into the perimeter so we have no choice
Niki:then we better get through
Rais and niki walk through the opening
Then the three rush on through the water
The camera zooms out showing the horde of walkers to come
?:well shit or people are gonna have a problem on their hands hmm I think i can make a rift here annnnd
The unknown figure makes a rift above the wall and drops a heavy bomb onto the wall
It switches back to Rais
Mox:shit what was that?!
They hear infected in the water
Rais switches weapons
Rais:aim for the heads!
As drowners come out of the water the the shoot them anywhere making them explode into bone fragments and blood
Niki grabs some riot gear and shield and puts the gear on
Niki:I'm gonna run through them with the shield and armor
Mox:wait where did you-
Moxxie is cut off by the following bloody explosions
Rais tackles moxxie
Rais:mox stay down
After a bit they don't hear anything
Rais gets up
Then pulls moxxie up
Mox:where is niki
Rais:she ran into them in riot gear and a riot shield
Mox:we need to go, this is to risky
Mox turns to the exit only to see a whole lot of walkers
Mox:oh shit!
Rais grabs her arm and throws her forward
They start running towards the way where they eventually make it to a dock and hear lots of different gunfire and notice that the wall was breached by one of the missiles from Los Nova
And infected of all forms are entering
A few soldiers see them and fire a few shots at them
Rais then grabs Moxxie and pulls her into cover
Mox:I hope you know that you just got me shot
Mox:....my Left Shoulder, how do you not see it! You literally put me in a yellow and black uniform!
Rais pulls out a medkit and hands it to moxxie
Rais:i can use my LMG to cover us while you patch yourself up
Mox:under fucken stood *pain kicks in*
Rais peaks out with his LMG and fires at two soldiers taking them out
Mox:I don't think i can continue
Rais:then you need to hide in one of these crates
Rais opens one and tosses Moxxie into one
Mox:come on close it we don't got long till this place is overrun by infected
Rais closes the crate
Rais:i got around 30 minutes
Rais runs across the battlefield dodging bullets and infected till he gets to the stairs leading onto the submarine
That's where he is seen by a officer with an rpg
Rais:oh bloody fucken hell!!
In the blink of an eye the riot geared Niki hits the guy off his platform into multiple landmines blowing him to shreds
Niki:what? Did you think i would I would die that easily
Rais:man you are some tough son of a bitch
Niki puts the shield on her back then wall runs on the submarine over to Rais
Rais catches her when she gets off
Rais:whoa whoa girl carful there
Niki: oh i had myself there
Rais:yeah yeah come on
Niki:what about Mox?
Rais:she was injured so we got to do this
Niki:then we head now
They head up the stairs quickly
Then run on the sub to a hatch
Rais tries to open it but finds its only openable from the inside for some reason
Rais:we can't open it from back here
Niki grabs a grenade from her belt and hangs it on the hatch
Niki:step back now
Rais and niki step back
Niki aims her rifle and shoots the grenade exploding the hatch off its hinges
Rais jumps down to a few dead nyra soldiers
Niki follows him down
Rais:what the hell happened here?
Niki:look at the screens they say threat level 4
Rais:that must be why I couldn't open the door
Niki goes to a door on the other side of the room
Niki:door was blown off here
Niki turns to Rais
Niki:he took this sub with force
Rais:then it's gonna be easier to navigate
Rais takes a few steps toward niki when she is impaled by a sword
The sword is taken out and her body is kicked to the ground
The killer is seen
It's Kyle Sashove
Kyle:you thought you could kill me so easily
Rais:you think you can just walk out of her alive after murdering Niki
Kyle:oh my bad she got in the way of my blade
Rais swiftly pulls out a pistol and shoots him in the left shoulder
Kyle:wow that kinda hurt
Rais:and i got more of that
Kyle:Rais Rais Rais you keep saying that but you don't understand you can't do shit
Rais:Kyle i am justice and justice never backs down from doing the right thing
Rais shoots Kyle in the kneecaps
Kyle falls to his knees
Kyle:what the fuck did you do?! That shouldn't be able to happen
Rais:i know you worked with Marshall before he was killed
Kyle:so you know about the cybernetics huh?
Rais:yeah me and the others
Rais shoots Kyle's wrist
Kyle drops his sword
Kyle:so we aren't going to have an epic fight for the books
Rais:history isn't always about cool fights but it can rather have simplistic fights such as now
Kyle:so you're going to kill me now huh
Rais tosses the sword away to the side
Kyle:what the fuck are you doing? Are you actually dumb
Rais rips the two keys off Kyle's neck
Kyle:no no no Rais that's cruel to do
Rais:your going to feel what it feels like to be in hell beforehand
Rais puts one of the keys into the slot then the other one he puts in swiftly then turns them and hits the buttons to confirm
A one minute countdown starts
rais:i know i am Kyle
Rais grabs Niki's Enclave tags (dog tags)
He then climbs the ladder out the submarine runs down the stairs runs across the docks of New York Harbor till he gets to Moxxie's box
Rais opens the box and helps Mox out
Mox:is it done?
Rais:yeah but at the cost of losing Niki
Mox:nothing is ever free is it
Rais and mox get on a speedboat in the harbor and drive into the sunrise

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