Episode 4:hit them hard or hit the water

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Chapter 4:hit them hard or hit the water
Price:hey commander we have been working on finding Kyle sashove and think we have pin pointed his main base which is over in Danport he has a working submarine it's a olive green one with uk flag insignia so it should be easy to find when we go back
Bb:we should infiltrate the port with the others
Niki walks in
Niki:i have the helo fully fueled ready for an attack
Bb:I think we should choose people for two different missions one is a nuclear silo over in the rural areas on the outskirts of the city and then the sub in danport
Price:danport will be more of a stealth mission so we want stealth people for it and then the silo will require people who are good at killing and destroying
Bb:for the silo we can have makarov, Loona, v, and Rick
Price:well for the sub it will be me, you, Niki, and captain Pratt
Bb:Lenny will be helpful with. Pratt since they are great friends
Price:then he can join us
Bb:we should head out now I will tell v to get a armored vehicle and the people I choose to get to the area and wait for my signal as if they attack we will be found
Price:you know we should bring Jacob with us so we have sniper support because we want captain Pratt with us also we want code names I assume
Bb:I already use one but I guess I will go with commander
Price:call me serpent
Niki:just call me pilot
Price grabs a radio
Price:hey can we get Jacob and Pratt here
Co:sending them
A bit later Jacob and Pratt come in
Price:good you guys are here we can now start operation water way
Jacob:operation water way?
Price:we are raiding a submarine of the coast of danport if we go now by the time we get there they will be preforming monthly maintenance to it at the docks
Cp:nice we can take there sub down and anyone there
Price:this will be a stealth operation not a Loud one
Jacob:explains why we are here
Niki:so y'all ready?
Price:I assume we are, are we captain and Jacob?
Jacob:i know i am
Cp:yeah i always got what i need on me
Price:well niki we can go now
Niki:about damn time
Price:don't mind her attitude
Bb:let's head up to the helo

Some time later...

Niki:we are closing in on dan-port i will have to land in a sec
Price:check suppressor's to make sure they will work
Jacob:you doubting that my craftsmanship isn't good
Price:yeah i am because the last ones were missing the actual metal
Jacob:i only had aluminum with me
Price:you should have asked me because i will give you some actual metal so the suppressor's didn't turn into surprises
Jacob:well i used a type of brass and iron this time
Price:Jesus we should have got some from Lt. Joseph
Niki:you can repel here now
Price nudges bb
Bb wakes up
Bb:huh? What's the problem?
Price:were here
Bb looks down at the port
It is heavily guarded and has GRE walls surrounding it with several big GRE Cargo Ships even a crashed GRE Cargo Plane
Price:just follow my lead
Price repels down
Jacob:see you down there
He repels down
Cp:don't worry we got this
He just fucking jumps down
Bb:well here goes nothing
Bb repels down
Price:if I'm correct we are outside the right gate where we can grapple up
Cp:what's the enemy count
Bb:from what I've seen I would say a few hundred
Price:we will take the underground GRE facility to get to the sub and yes that means we may encounter infected
Jacob:we will end up dealing with a volatile nest possibly
Price:shit well then keep full auto on
A GRE Cargo Plane flys above them
Bb looks around to see multiple infected and the others running off and using the grapple to get up
Bb is starting to see in blue
She falls to the ground in pain
Then a orange supply drop falls onto a few walkers
Then she blacks out
The POV switch's to the rest
Cp:are we just going to Leave her behind
Price in a depressing voice:we don't got Long Captain...she is dead
Jacob:no this can't be
Price:anyone who has been in Los Nova has been infected by the Nova variant
Captain Pratt starts coughing and falls to the ground
Jacob:shit we need to run
Jacob runs off
Price:here take this Inhibiter
Pratt finally catches his breath
Cp:the hell was that
Price:you were there weren't you
Cp;i was a jet pilot in the war
Price:we need to go and find a cure or something to stop anyone that was there from turning
They here a loud tech sound that was way to high of a pitch which comes with an explosion
They end up death for a bit
Price:ah what the hell
A alarm goes off
PA system:warning direct radiation attack has been detected all personnel must Leave immediately
Jacob is seen with his jaw ripped right off and his legs and arms ripped off and impaled by some sharp-end metal pole
Price walks up to his corpse and takes his dog tags
Price:you won't be forgotten soldier
Cp:I think there might be something worse then volatiles
Price:we must retreat
They start running back the way they came as behind them they she Jacob turn into some creature with his arms and legs connected by a yellow and red mixture and has big mantis blades of red and yellow and is seen chasing then not before the hall collapses saving them
Price:we are royally fucked if we don't retreat
They climb out of the tunnel to see the sub up in flames with multiple people getting eaten by the infected and they look up to see a bright blue crack in the sky with there being a massive space device shooting a laser at it making it brighter only for it to explode and cause massive cracks in the sky and a massive Long term power outage in the New England region
A enclave black-hawk flys past then
Enclave officer using a radio to all other radios:everyone evacuate the city and get to the x-67 facility in faulcove were everyone will be safe
A capsule crashes into the ground near price and Pratt at super sonic speed
It sends them back
Someone kicks open the capsule and price looks at Pratt and notices he's knocked out
He looks back at the capsule to see two people who look very similar to "V" and Loona
V?:come on Loona we got a job to dude
Loona?:where the hell are we
Price gets up
Price:who..the..fuck..are you
Price:how do you know my name
Loona?:this has to be a alternate world of ours
Price spots a GRE suv
He suspects something is wrong as they seem off
He pulls out his Glock and shoots v? In the head and shows it's a hallucination
He sees a gas coming from the capsule
Price:stay back or your next
Then out of nowhere a bloody volatile pounces onto the hallucination Loona
Price:oh shit!
He starts running to the suv almost falling making a volatile jump past him
He opens the door and starts to Hotwire the vehicle
It starts and he runs over the volatiles in his way and he goes off into the distance
POV returns to bb
Bb wakes up to a inhibitor in her arm
See opens her eyes to see Rais
Rais:don't worry bb i got you
She blacks out again
She opens her eyes to see Pratt getting carried on a stretcher into a black hawk and Rais is carrying her into it
She closes her eyes and when she opens them they are lifting off
She can finally move and talk
Bb:uh wat happened
Rais:you we're turning...your infected with the Los Nova variant and you weren't cured there
Bb:wait but i need one so we got to create one
Raise:we got one person that can but Marshall took her but Marshall also took over the enclave orbital canon locking her there
Bb's earpiece beeps twice meaning there is a caller
She answers it
The radio demon:it seems your in a bit of trouble my kind friend
Bb:yeah you're right because I'm dying because of that virus...i just need-
TRD:the cure! Ofcorse i can help but it will be a difficult task on your hand
Bb:what is it?
Trd:the orbital canon has people making the cure but it's a better one that advances the person to be stronger just like using a inhibitor, well after the warfare in Los Nova someone named Rick Grimes blew up a hole in the wall infection spread to more people on the outside
Bb:so that's how he got out alongside some others like Arthur who stole a tug boat to Leave
Trd:well some people are insane kinda like me although I'm more into killing as that's how i made it to hell
Bb:well we all are insane in our own way
Trd:true, anyway i will let you do that bye bye now
Bb:see ya around
She hangs up
Raise:eyes up we got a GRE Helo convoy
Three stealth prototype Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopters pass by going toward the city
Bb:I thought they were eliminated long ago
Rais:them die out!? Ha you're funny because they don't just die
Bb:hmm I never thought of it like that bef-
Out of nowhere 2 rockets hit the propellers on the heli
Pilot:mayday! Mayday! We are going down
The heli crashes extremely hard into the ground

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