Chapter 7 🌱

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Grimmjow's POV

"We are waiting for you guys, we are already at the private jet," I said holding my iPhone against my ear.

"We'll be there Grimm chill ou'," Nnoitra said through the phone. I sighed as I hung up.

"So?, Where are your friends Grimmjow?, We need to go," Tier asked with an irritated voice, shaking her head.

"Just a few more minutes Tier and they'll be here," I said as I looked around. I see my friends walking up the stairs and towards us with their luggage.

"Look who decided to join us finally," I said in a irritated voice emphasising the word finally.

"Yeah yeah, let's go," Ikkaku said and we all walked towards the jet the bodyguards helping us with our luggage. We all set on our respective seats.

"I hope next time you people learn to be on time. I mean this is so unprofessional of you making us wait like that. Grimmjow I hope you teach these friends of yours how to tell time because clearly, they don't know how to," Tier finished clicking her tongue in annoyance. She took out her white laptop and got busy.

I sighed looking at my friends. Nnoitra really didn't care that much. Ulquiorra looks offended and Ikkaku looks about ready to punch someone on the face.

"Guys, you need to learn to be on time," I said towards them softly, signalling for them to not say anything afterwards.

"Okay Grimm, we'll try to be on time. We're not stupid because we can clearly know how to tell time, it's just situations held us back," Ulquiorra said with a frown on his face.

"Gee, could have fooled me," Tier said sarcastically from her seat in the front not looking back at us, just continuing typing on her laptop.

"Do ya have to be a bitch to people, Tier?," Nnoitra asked with a frown getting up.

"Only to low lives like you," Tier said turning around to face them with a roll of her baby blue eyes, flipping her blonde hair.

"Did she just call us low lives?," Ikkaku asked unbelievingly looking up at me with an angry look on his face.

"Yes, I just did, and what are you going to do about it, you piece of shit?," She asked again with sass in her tone.

"Grimmjow you better put that wife of ya's in a leash, because she doesn't kno' anything abou' us," Nnoitra said with a frown.

"Uh, fucken pussies," She said turning around, typing on her laptop again.

"What the fuck, ya bitch!," Nnoitra shouted getting up from his seat and I looked at him with my eyes blazing, my blood boiling with anger.

"Hey!, You will not speak or call my wife in that manner do you understand me, unless you want to jump off this jet Nnoitra, I suggest you keep that pie hole of a month shut you lanky jackass or so help me," I said and he kept quiet," Yeah, that's what I thought, so keep quiet, all of you!," I shouted angrily as I set back down on my seat kissing my wife on the cheek.

She smiled at me and closed her laptop, getting herself comfortable for sleep. I sighed as I looked at my friends again. They didn't say anything they just took out their phones or laptops and did something. I feel a little bad that I didn't try to defend them. They probably feel less important right now.

An hour passed and they still didn't say a word which is unlike them," Hey guys, what are you doing there that got you so focused?," I asked trying to make conversation with a smile, they looked up at me but Nnoitra and Ikkaku said nothing.

"Work," Ulquiorra answered for them simply. I nodded as I sighed turning around on my seat. I looked out the window.

'I didn't mean for this to happen at all,' I thought feeling guilty closing my eyes.

Ichigo's POV

"Are you guys ready?!," I shouted in excitement clapping my hands with a big smile.

"Hell yeah we are, come on let's go!," Shinji shouted back in excitement, taking his big bags.

"Okay then bitches let's go!," I shouted as we all grabbed our bags and cases and walked towards Renji's private jet.

We walked inside the jet and I must say it's so beautiful, I mean it's not my first time here but it's still amazes me.

"Oohh, riding in style I see," Orihime said with a smile as she let the flight attendant take her bags," Please watch the bags those costs a fortune," she said taking off her shades and sitting on her seat besides the window with a sigh.

"Babe, did you really have to bring them?," Renji asks besides my ear, rubbing my arms gently.

"Yeah, I had to they are my friends. I just wished Rukia was here," I said flipping my shoulder length hair over my shoulder.

"Okay, but did you really have to bring Shinji?," He asked looking at the blonde who was flirting with a handsome guy with brunette hair and blue eyes.

I giggled shaking my head," Shinji is a fun person, you'll get used to him," I said as I pulled him to seat besides me.

"God I hope I get laid," Yumichika said with a sigh as he took out his sleek smartphone.

"Really Yumichika?," Renji asks with a raised eyebrow.

"What?," Yumi asked in annoyance," You always get some with Ichigo, and after that you act all lovey dovey. So I want what you guys have, seriously," Yumi said looking himself in the small hand mirror, fixing his already perfect hair.

"So let's get real here guys, we are grown ass adults and we have to talk about this like for real. Are you guys even dating?," Orihime asked snapping her fingers for the real talk.

"To answer your question Orihime, no we are not dating, even though it would make sense if we do," Renji said looking at me pointedly. I sighed rolling my eyes, I pinched him on the ribs and he jerked out holding his sore spot.

"We are just having fun you guys, there's nothing more to it," I said with a smile.

"You see, I want to have what they have, it sounds fun," Yumi said and we all laughed enjoying the rest of our flight.


Well everyone is heading to America to enjoy their vacation in the resort.

Until next chapter.

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