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I was noticing that Haley's stomach was getting a bit bigger she slept a bit more and she craved a bit more I assumed she was pregnant so I got a pregnancy test.

Haley POV

Sinister came home with this pregnancy test and I said "Why do you have this pregnancy test" and he just said "I think that you're pregnant." So she took the test and it was positive.

A few weeks later we went to the doctor and went to see  if it was a boy or a girl and it was twins one was a boy and one was a girl we had twins.

Andrew / sinister POV

We had twins I couldn't believe it.

We didn't have sex as much I became more fragile with her we did go to the beach one time when she was pregnant though but that was only because I was positive that wouldn't affect the babies.

I couldn't throw her in the air anymore I was too scared to tickle her because it could have affected the babies what if I hurt the babies.

I listen to the babies everyday I felt one of them kicking I talked to them, sometimes I'd even read to them then sometimes they'd really get excited because they started kicking.

We were working on names I was thinking about naming one of them my name Andrew she didn't know my real name she just knew sinister but I was also planning to name the girl Lexi short for Alexia.

She agreed on the names so Andrew and Alexia were officially their names.

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