"A building storm.."

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(Short recap of the NSFW Chapter if you chose to skip it, loona and (Y/N) went swimming and learned she is new at it and is fearful of deep bodies of water that she can't see through, they bought matching heart necklaces and (Y/N) bought a ring for when the time is right, oh and they is their V cards, all in all they had a good time)

The next morning..

Blitzø would slowly wake up, noticing the sun was just rising to see stolas snoring away

Blitzø: Jesus your adorable sometimes..

Blitzø would get up, making a coffee before heading upstairs, peaking into Millie's room to see them sleeping, peaking into the spare room to see you and loona cuddling.

Blitzø: aww.. my little loonie..

He'd walk back downstairs, stolas sitting up

Stolas: blitzy? What are you doing up so early..?

Blitzø: just checking on everyone.. my knee still hurts like fuck though..

Stolas: well, you can always come lay down with me?

Blitzø: I'm just gonna go check on (Y/N)s friends in the barn first, then I'll come lay down

Stolas: I'll keep your spot warm blitzy~!

Blitzø would walk out to the barn, sipping his coffee as it burnt his tongue

Blitzø: motherfucker.. god damn it.

He'd enter the barn, seeing the three men laying in some bedrolls using bagged straw as pillows, yet all seemed to be sleeping better than they have ever slept.. atleast to Blitzø

Blitzø: eh, they look alive enough to me..

Blitzø would walk back inside, stolas having fallen asleep again as it was still early in the morning

Blitzø: you sleep like a bag of rocks sometimes stolas.. heh

Blitzø would pull the covers up for stolas, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek before heading back out to the barn, trying (Y/N)'s mustang door

Blitzø: of course it's locked.. can't a father ever go on a joyride?

Blitzø would smile to himself as he said that having an idea, setting his coffee down before going back inside and sneaking upstairs into the room you and loona were in, the creaking door waking you up

(Y/N): the fuck..?

Blitzø would be standing by the door, staring at you and then the keys

Blitzø: oh.. uh.. morning (Y/N)..

(Y/N): dude.. it's like.. 5:30.. what do you want?

Blitzø: oh yeah, shit right

(Y/N): your not.. trying to come and steal shit are you? Or be creepy like you used to be with moxxie..?

Blitzø: nope

(Y/N): then what the hell are you doing..?

Blitzø: well I need to get into the barn so I was gonna move your car

(Y/N): dude, the barn is 2 and a half car spaces.. what were you really trying to do?

Blitzø: alright.. I wanted to take the bad girl for a spin.

(Y/N): fine, only if you do this..

Blitzø: anything..!

(Y/N): shut the fuck up before you wake up loona.. and get the fuck out and let me get dressed..

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