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May 22nd, 1990San Diego, California

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May 22nd, 1990
San Diego, California

"are you kidding me" i sighed, quickly running to my turntable to turn the music down before fetching the phone. "hello?' i spoke, out of breath from running around the place.

"hey elle" vince spoke. "whats up, vince?" i questioned, leaning against the wall. "you might wanna open your door" he spoke, making my eyes bulge out of my head.

"what?" i questioned, but vince was no longer on the other line. with confusion, i made my way to the front door. i swung it open to be faced with vince and nikki.

how did vince even call me? oh wait there's a phone booth right down the street. i must say, vince managed to get back quite quickly. "what are you two doing here?" i questioned, letting them in since it was starting to rain.

"cant come visit our favourite elle?" vince asked, making himself comfortable on my sofa. "i mean sure but there must be a reason why you guys are here" i shrugged, sitting on the chair in the corner.

"we're on break, so we decided to visit and check up on you" nikki smiled. "a phone call wasnt good enough?" i laughed slightly. nikki and vince shared a look before returning eye contact with me.

"we have a rehab meeting here" vince confessed. i was actually taken aback. i was slightly surprised they were finally making the effort to get clean. "im proud of you guys" i smiled.

"thanks...anyways whats up with you?" nikki asked. "work, come home, hangout with blair sometimes...thats my life" i shrugged. "thats boring as fuck" vince laughed while nikki agreed.

"i dont need to have an outrageous lifestyle like you guys" i laughed, shaking my head. "why? its much more fun" nikki smirked. "eh after you guys, i decided that was enough partying" i joked.

"you have any snacks?" vince asked, breaking the silence. "check the kitchen" i rolled my eyes. "thanks, elle" he smiled before leaving just nikki and i alone.

"i have a proposition" nikki spoke. "go on" i nodded, cocking an eyebrow. "what if you moved back to l.a?" he questioned. "what? you're joking right?' i laughed.

"im not" he shook his head. "why would i move back? i have my life here" i explained. "elle, you're 27 living alone with one friend. you have no life other than work" vince spoke, returning with half my pantry in his arms.

the way he said it made the realization set in. he's right...i really do have no life. but still! just cause i move back to l.a doesnt mean i'll have a fun life again.

"okay but there's still nothing in l.a for me" i shrugged, picking at the skin around my nails. "we're there" nikki smiled. "that's only when youre not on tour, and plus all of you have your own lives."

"we'd always make time for you, and dont you miss being in a band?" vince asked. "a band that went nowhere? yeah i miss that" i rolled my eyes. "oh cmon! just come out for a while and if you dont like it you can come back here" nikki persuaded.

"i wont even have anywhere to live, so no" i spoke, getting up and opening the front door. "you're gonna kick us out?" vince questioned, raising an eyebrow. "yes, now politely get out" i smiled.

both boys trudged out of the house. vince started walking down the street while nikki looked at me with a pleading face. why did they want me to move back so badly?


for the next two days, i spent the entire days thinking about what nikki asked. i even talked to dad and ava, and blair. just to get their input. blair didnt want to see me go, but she'd support whatever decision i made.

and dad, well he thought nikki and vince were right. he said i was cooped up at home all the time and losing my social life. and plus he said he'd love to have me back.

as the sun went down, i think i had my final decision. picking up the phone, i dialled nikki's number. "hey its elle...uhm i made a decision" i spoke as soon as he answered.

"and?" he asked. "i'll come back" i nodded, sucking in a breath of air. "perfect! i got a place for you, and a job at the whisky. its all yours if you want" he spoke, making me roll my eyes.

"what if i decided not to come back" i laughed. "we all knew you were gonna come back" he chuckled. "am i that predictable?" "kinda" he nodded.

"mkay well i'll get packed up and be there in the next week or so" i announced. "we'll be on tour again but i'd love to see you when we're back" he spoke. "for sure" i smiled before hanging up.

finally got that decided...

i looked towards the clock and decided i should start getting ready for work, and that way i could put in my two weeks. i was slightly scared to see blair's reaction to me leaving.

i arrived at work with the paper in my hand. i quickly found my manager, ricardo before passing the letter off to him. i stood in front of him silently as he read the letter.

"you're leaving?" he questioned. "yeah uhm im moving back to l.a" i awkwardly smiled. "alright, thank you" he nodded before wandering off to the front. i sighed out before dropping my stuff in the back and clocking in.

"i heard you're leaving" janet spoke, approaching me. damn word gets around fast. "yeah" i nodded, popping off the cap of a beer before handing it off to the customer. "thank ya darlin'" he winked. "no problem, sir" i smiled.

"where you going?" janet pushed. "l.a" i quickly answered. "oh, why?" "personal reasons" i shrugged, hoping she'd leave me alone. i didnt really feel like answering questions all night.

as the clock struck 2, i clocked out and got my stuff together. blair was working tonight but it was so busy we hadnt really had the time to talk. "you wanna come to mine?" i questioned.

"yeah sure! i'll meet you there" blair smiled, splitting ways as we went to our respective cars. it didnt take me very long to get home. that's the perks of getting off work in the middle of the night.

"so whats up?" blair questioned, as a bowl of popcorn sat on her lap. "i'm gonna be leaving next week" i admitted. "you decided?" "yeah...." i trailed off. i felt so bad leaving her.

"you could always come with" i offered but she was quick to shake her head. "i dont think l.a's my scene" she smiled. "thats fine, im really gonna miss you though" i sadly smiled.

"im gonna miss you more, bestie" she sighed, bringing me in for the most bone crushing hug ever. "i'll be back to visit often, dont worry" i spoke, splitting apart from the hug.

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