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September 1st, 1990Los Angeles, California

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September 1st, 1990
Los Angeles, California

"tommy what are you doing?" i laughed, while clutching my stomach. "what, you dont like my dancing?" he frowned, as he discarded my comment and continued to dance crazily.

immigrant song by led zeppelin played in the background, as i sat on the couch, watching tommy's dance moves. "i think you need a dance lesson" i suggested. he only rolled his eyes as i stood up.

i moved his feet and arms into proper position and showed him a few moves before he suddenly stopped. "...are you making me do ballet" he gasped. "maybe" i giggled with a sly smirk.

tommy and i had been hanging out a lot recently, and it felt like we were best friends again. excluding the relationship part of course. but it didnt feel awkward anymore, thank god.

tommy stopped and looked towards the clock. "i gotta meet the boys soon, lets get a bite to eat?" he questioned, going to grab his jacket. "sure" i shrugged. grabbing my purse before following him out the door.

we headed to the nearest restaurant and sat down in a comfy booth. "what can i get you two" the woman smiled, holding her tiny notebook and a pencil. "i'll get a garden salad" i smiled. "make that two" tommy interrupted.

"since when did you eat salad?" i smirked, raising a brow. "you obviously dont know me" he sassed while playfully rolling his eyes. "you are something else tommy" i giggled.

"hows your love life" tommy quickly asked. and judging by the look on his face, i dont think he meant to say that. "just been going solo" i shrugged. i left out the part where i occasionally hooked up with slash or rachel.

i swear he looked slightly relieved, but i didnt want to look into it too much. "why do you gotta meet up with guys?" i asked, changing the subject. "rehearsal..we're performing at the mtv awards in a few days" he explained.

"oh shit, that's cool" i smiled. "yeah, you wanna come to rehearsal?" he offered. "sure" i gladly nod. i was curious to see what their rehearsals were like now.

after we finished up our lunch, we headed to the practice studio. "hey mick" i smiled, entering the room behind tommy. "hey kid" mick nodded, as his guitar sat on his lap.

"i see you got a new guitar" i noticed, standing in front of him. "custom made" he spoke, showing it off. "i like it" i smiled. " hanging with tommy again?"

"yeah we just went out for lunch" i shrugged. "dont give me that look" i groaned, as he made intense eye contact with me. "be careful, elle" he warned. "yes, dad" i smirked.

his middle finger raised as i fake pouted. "that's not nice" i frowned. "yeah well neither am i" he spoke before continuing the riff he was playing. i laughed our conversation off and ventured further in the room to nikki and vince.

"hey i see you came along" nikki smiled, patting the empty spot beside him. "yeah didnt have much to do today" i shrugged. "want a drink?" vince asked, standing by the mini fridge.

"uh yeah a coke's fine" i nodded. he passed the bottle off to me and i used my bartender skills to crack it open. "i hear you're performing at the mtv awards next week" i spoke.

"yeah, im fucking hyped" vince nodded. "you wanna come along? i could get you and maybe even blair on the guestlist" nikki offered. "oh no, its fine" i giggled.

"you sure?" he confirmed. "yeah, cmon elle" tommy whined, sitting behind his drumset. i sat there for a few moments debating. if i told blair i turned down the offer she'd probably kill me.

"alright fine, ill go...i just gotta talk to blair" i nodded. "hell yeah!" vince smirked. "i'll make sure you get good seats too" nikki added. "thanks nik" i smiled.

i watched the rehearsal before tommy dropped me off at home. "thanks for today" i smiled as he walked me to the front door. "no problem" he cheesily smiled. "i'll see you soon" i returned.

as soon as i got inside the door, i made sure to call up blair. within a few rings she answered. "hey blair baby" i spoke in a seductive tone. "elle? is that you?" she laughed. "yeah" i giggled.

"whats going on?" she asked, clearly happy to hear my voice. "uhm i was wondering if you wanted to come to the mtv music awards with me?" "uh yeah! when is it?" she screamed.

"in 5 days" i mentioned. "alright! i'll book a few days off" she nodded. "great! you can feel free to stay a few nights at my place if you'd like" i offered. "i'd love that...we got a bunch to catch up on" she spoke.

"for sure" i agreed. we talked for a few more minutes before parting ways. fuck i was so excited to see my best friend, and even better we were going to an award show!

three days later

"so i might have a boyfriend now" blair shyly giggled. "no way! tell me about him" i begged. "okay, okay...he's a doctor, blonde, blue eyes, honestly just the most charming man ever" she explained.

"im happy for you, blair!" i exclaimed. "thank you" she smiled. "how long have you guys been together?" i asked. "like mid june, so not super long" she shrugged. "hey thats better than nothing" i laughed.

"and get this! he's got the cutest chocolate lab ever" she squealed. "aye a man who likes dogs is a keeper" i smirked. "so tell me about your love life here" she smiled.

"sorry to disappoint but its non existent" i laughed. "oh cmon! there's gotta be something exciting." "i mean tommy and i are super close again" i shrugged, looking down.

"like...this close?" she asked, using her fingers to symbolize sex. "no way! i meant as friends" i howled. "oh my bad" she giggled, as her cheeks turned a light pink.

"that's alright" i nodded. "hey, maybe you guys will get back together" she predicted. "yeah, as if" i scoffed, rolling my eyes slightly.

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