twenty seven

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March 31st, 1991Los Angeles, California

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March 31st, 1991
Los Angeles, California

"no cause i had no clue i could even get that drunk!" i giggled. "awe sounds like you had a lot of fun" blair spoke over the phone. "most definitely...i wish you coulda been there" i frowned.

"me too babes, but at least everything went well" she shrugged. "agreed...i think i may come visit soon if that's alright?" i questioned, finishing up painting my nails black while a cigarette hung from my mouth.

"i would never say no! i miss you so much" blair sighed. "i miss you too" i smiled. "oh also please update me on the andy situation right this second" i sternly but jokingly spoke.

"okay, okay, so right now we're in the talks of getting a place together" she squealed. "im proud of you" i smiled. man my smile was so wide, and i was so happy for her.

"thank you so much." "of course! anything for you...and dont forget to make me your bridsemaid" i joked. "slow down, thats too soon!" she giggled.

"i know, just teasing...but you're gonna make me the babies godmother right?" i continued. "elle! you're crazy" she chuckled. i could tell she was totally rolling her eyes right now.

"well i'm going out with andy for dinner so i'm gonna get was amazing catching up with you" blair spoke. "you too! i hope you have a good time with him" i smiled.

we both said our goodbyes before hanging up. i felt bad that i hadnt talked to blair in a little bit. i had been so caught up in my own life that i completely forgot about her.

just as i stood up to leave my room, the phone rang again. "ugh" i sighed, retreiving it and holding it my ear. "elle" tommy's voice spoke. he sounded different.

"are you okay? are you in trouble? you sound diff-" "im fine, elle. i just wanted to see if you wanted to hangout today" he spoke with a chuckle at the end.

"oh uh i work at 10 but anytime before that for sure" i nod. "okay! i'll pick you up around 5?" he asked. "yeah, works for me...oh and what are we doin-" my sentence was cut off by him hanging up.

"thanks a lot" i mumbled, setting the phone down. i swear if i get another call when i stand up im going to lose it completely.

carefully, i stood up and slowly started walking towards my closet to get a change of clothes. the phone never rang again, so i sighed and took my stuff with me to the bathroom so i could shower.

since tommy didnt tell me what we were doing, i have absolutely no clue what im gonna wear. "hmm, weathers heating up" i mumbled to myself. it was still kinda chilly, so i decided i'd wear flare jeans and a band shirt probably.

by 5, tommy was outside honking his horn. i quickly exited the house and sent him a smile. "hi" i greeted. "wanna get some food?" he questioned, making me eagerly nod.

we got our food and tommy continued driving. no clue where the destination was, but i didnt mind the adventure. "you can pick a tape if you want" tommy spoke, pointing to the glovebox.

i nodded and looked through the various cassettes. i decided on nazareths 'hair of the dog'. "i remember you gave that tape to me back in the '83" tommy laughed.

"did i?" i questioned, completely forgetting about that. "yeah" he nodded. "im surprised you kept it" i smiled. "you made me love that album" he shrugged, taking a left turn into the hills.

"are you bringing me somewhere?" i asked, furrowing my brows. "maybe" he smirked, making me roll my eyes. "i bet you're plotting to murder me" i joked. "oh shit, you caught me."

we pulled into a lookout of the city. by now the sun was setting and it was absolutely beautiful. "cmon lets go sit on the hood" he spoke, energetically jumping out of the car.

i followed suit and set myself beside him. a silence settled over us, as neither of us knew what to say. "uhm" tommy started but stopped. i looked towards him and smiled. "whats up?"

"i wanted to talk with you" tommy confessed. i gulped slightly. what was this about?

"i guess ive just never really been a hundred percent satisfied with my life" he started. i turned towards him and paid my full attention to him. "the drugs and stuff was to escape everything."

"and i just miss being a kid, and not knowing about this stupid world. sometimes i think about how my life would have been if i never became a musician" he sighed, deep in thought.

"and what did you picture?" i asked. "well, i dont know, but if i was never in motley then i wouldve never met you...i guess everything just worked out, huh?" he chuckled slightly.

"im glad we met" i agreed. "with you and the boys, i lived such a fun life that i didnt even know was possible" i explained as he stared deep into my soul. "and i enjoyed you the most" i smiled.

his lips curved up into a smile. it was one of those smiles i hadnt seen on him before. it was just different. but i loved it, and i wanted it more.

"elle, im such a fuck up" he suddenly spoke. "you're not" i quickly shook my head. "i just mess up everything" he sighed, looking at the city in the distance.

"like what?" i asked. "the band, you and i" he trailed off. "i feel like i never shouldve gotten with heather" he whispered. "hey, dont say that. when you were with her, you were the happiest ive ever seen you" i sadly smiled.

it hurt to admit, but i knew it was true.

"no, i was happier when i was with you" he corrected. "you're life has been a lot more put together recently...back when it was us i feel like the drugs and everything just got in the way" i shrugged.

"so let me change that." i looked at him with my lips parted slightly as his eyes found mine. "i know we kinda already had this conversation, but i miss you, and i need you're like my drug" he spoke.

i smiled slightly but felt like i was on the brim of crying. i dont know if it was happiness or sadness, but i was leaning more towards the happy part.

"and i miss you too, more than've been on my mind forever" i nod. "do you think you'd give me a chance to be your boyfriend again?" he asked, with the hopeful look in his face again.

thoughts ran through my head over and over. i weighed the pros and cons and felt my heartbeat get faster. i cracked a smile to which his head titled.

"i long as we promise not to break each others hearts, lee" i giggled, holding out my pinkie.

the biggest smile ever appeared on his face, and for once i actually felt happy. i felt kinda dumb for turning him down before. i didnt know this choice would impact me so positively.

tommy was quick to latch his pinkie with mine. and we sat there, staring at each other as the sun slowly disappeared. "i appreciate you for giving me another chance" tommy smiled.

"guess its time for a change, right?" i smiled back.

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