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January 23rd, 1992Los Angeles, California

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January 23rd, 1992
Los Angeles, California

"one more push, you can do it!" tommy whispered in my ear as my hand clutched onto his for dear life. with one last push, the baby slid out of me with ease.

i took a moment to take a big deep breath as i got the first look at my new baby girl. i couldnt help but cry as i held her in my arms for the first time.

"congratulations" the doctor smiled. "thank you" i sniffled. "can you believe this thing came out me?" i laughed, looking up at tommy. "i can believe it...she's beautiful just like you" he smiled, kissing my forehead.

"so whats the name gonna be?" a nurse asked. "i think we decided on rhiannon" i spoke, looking to tommy for conformation. "yep, rhiannon" he repeated.

they took the baby away so she could be cleaned up and head to the nursery. "you did an amazing job, but you should get some rest" the nurse gushed.

i nodded in response as the room emptied, just leaving tommy and i. "that hurt like a bitch" i spoke from the silence. tommy just chuckled in response and caressed my hair.

"get some rest" he whispered. "i dont want to" i whined. i was so excited i dont even know if i could sleep. "dont you wanna be rested for the baby? this might be your best sleep from now on" he joked.

"you're right" i giggled. "i'll be right here" he promised. "okay, i love you tommy" i smiled. "i love you too, elle" he smiled back. he sat down on the chair and i closed my eyes, quickly drifting out of consiousness.

March 5th, 1992
Los Angeles, California

"awe she's just the cutest" brandi smiled, cradelling rhiannon in her arms as she slowly swayed side to side. "she looks just like you" mick agreed, looking at me.

"yeah, you sure its yours tom? i dont see any of you in there" vince joked, looking over brandi's shoulder at the child. "fuck off" he spoke, giving vince the bird.

"can i hold her now?" blair asked, holding out her arms. brandi looked to me for permission and i quickly nodded my head. "awe my cute little neice" she squealed, looking down at her.

we were all having a get together at dads. plus this was the first time most of them had met rhiannon. all i could do was just sit back and watch. i was so proud to be a mother.

"so what's her middle name?" blair asked, looking up at us. "her full name is rhiannon blair lee" tommy proudly spoke. blair's mouth dropped as her eyes teared up.

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