Meeting a New Friend

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Third person pov

It was now April 30th, 2014, and Kona jumped on the bed, as he was going to wake Abby up.

The girl was shivering from the cold as she huddled in Chewie's warmth. She was shaking from the cold in her room and her blanket was no help.

Kona barked at them.

A tiny groan was heard as Abigail hid her face in Chewie's furry chest.

Chewie was tired.

The child yawned as she snuggled into what little warmth she was getting.

Chewie looked at Kona.

He noticed the young dog was shuffling his paws as he waited for their young owner to open her eyes.

He huffed a laugh.

Abigail woke up immediately and quickly sat up when she heard feet stomping on the ground. She looked to the door with scared eyes as it was slammed open and noticed David was standing there with an angry look on his face.

Chewie growled at David and stood up.

Abigail could only sit there in fear as she noticed the man had a beer bottle in his left hand.

Kona attacked the man.

The three-year-old was shivering in fear at the sight of blood and screamed when she noticed David had reeled his arm back, throwing the bottle at her. She ducked at the last second and crashed to the floor while the bottle smashed into pieces once coming into contact with the wall.

Chewie jumped at David.

The little girl sat up; her body shaking, and her mother burst in.

Harley grabbed Abby's hand, running out of the room with Mila behind her.

"Mommy, the doggies!" Abigail tried to reach for her two dogs as she was pulled downstairs and out of the house through the backyard.

The dogs held David down, as Harley got outside.

"Mommy-" Abigail wanted to get her best friends, but stopped speaking when she noticed drones flying in the air.

Harley kept Abigail behind her, as Mila hissed.

The little girl gripped her mother's pant leg and watched as the drones flew overhead.

Harley sighed once they were gone.

"Mommy, what were those?" Abigail asked her mother as she looked up at the woman.

"I don't know, but I don't like them," said her mother.

"I'm cold and hungry." Abigail's stomach grumbled.

"I know," said the woman. "Wait here. I'm gonna go help Chewie and Kona."

Abby flinched when she heard noises from the trees and she looked around to see what it was as her mother rushed inside.

Mila calmed her down.

"What was that?" the little girl asked.

Mila didn't know either.

The little girl let out a short scream as she heard howling from nearby.

Mila hissed, getting into a defensive stance.

The little girl watched as a coyote stalked out of the trees.

Mila got in front of her.

The coyote growled as it bared its teeth at the two.

The cat hissed at the coyote.

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