Hanging out

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(A/N: hey y'all before we start I'm going to address a few things, number 1 you're a year younger than him, 2 some of them I won't be posting among us and 3 I'm open for requests)

Hey :)

Hi :D

I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me today?

Sure I have nothing to do anyway, I'll meet you at your house

Ok see ya :))

So I got dress and ran to his house and knocked on the door but Micah opened it. I asked if Elijah was there.

M: hey Eli you're date is here

Y/N: blushing

Elijah ran down stairs while putting his shoes on. While he was doing that he fell down on the stairs, I got worried.

E: I'm okay *holding a thumbs up*

He got up and we started walking, it got awkward since we didn't know what to say until Eli broke the silence. He asked if we wanted to go see a movie and I obviously said yes

Y/N: what movie do you want to see

E: umm how about love and war

Y/N: okay, race ya

E: what?! Hey!

We both started running and of course I was faster than him and I beat him to the movie theater.

E: how....are you so.....fast

Y/N: i dunno

We walked in the movies theater we got our popcorn went in the movie and sat in our seats, it was to be a romance and horror movie at the same time

Later in the movie there was kissing scene between the two Eli hated that but I thought it was sweet and cute.

After the movie we went to get ice cream I got chocolate and he got vainilla

Y/N: ok all I'm saying is that chocolate is better than vainilla

E: no way it's a classic

Y/N: no it's basic

E: agree to disagree

After we ate our ice cream we just took a walk. When we saw this meadow it was filled with a bunch of flowers, he told me to wait here while picked some roses and then really fast he made a flower crown with roses and dandelions

E: for you :) *puts it on my head*

Y/N: aww thanks

He put the flower crown on my head giving me a smile so I hugged him and he hugged me back. After the hug we continued to walk

Y/N: so I have a question

E: yeah?

Y/N: why did Micah say you're date is here

E: sorry about that he's been bugging me about that since I told him

Y/N: oh that makes so much more sense now

A few hours later it started to get dark so they started walking back home. The weather was a little breezy which they didn't mind.

We talked about things that we like and we have a lot in common it felt like a match made in heaven or something. We reached my house

E: it was nice hanging out with you we should do this again, I'll see you later

Y/N: before you go i have a gift *kisses his cheek*   Bye *goes inside house*

After you kissed him he was just standing there, a blushing mess and then he went back home smiling

A/N: finally finished with this yay the next one is among us, have a good day/night :)

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