If everything was like anong us (part 9 airship)

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Daniel was walking by to see a bunch of candy everywhere so he had called an emergency meeting.

Everyone: where

D: someone threw a bunch of candy everywhere

Everyone: gasp

Y/N: is anyone sus


J: you guys won't believe me at fir- wait what

M: I agree red's sus

D: she's been the imposter a lot

Everyone: points at Brittney

E: Brittney was......the imposter

Shiloh started passing out task while saying that there now two imposters. I asked Shiloh if I can stick with her but she already agreed sticking with Alessandra. After that I started to do my task alone. That is until Eli came because he noticed I was struggling and we had the same task.

E: do you need help

Y/N: sure why not.

So Eli helped me and we got the task done. After we got the task done we both hugged and quickly let go and blushed

E: sorry

Y/N: no no it's fine

After that awkward moment we kept doing task together but someone called an emergency meeting

D: it's Shiloh

Everyone: huh

D: think about where was she before we started doing task.

Y/N: she was with Alessandra

D: how do you know

M: yeah that's a bit sus

Y/N: dude she told me

M: alone

Y/N: well yes but

Before I said anything else everyone but Shiloh and Elijah pointed at me making me get thrown out

Y/N: i hate this

M: ok Y/N was.....not the imposter

Elijah gave a mad look at Daniel and Micah

M: ok I feel bad sorry Elijah

E: great great great my soon to be partner got thrown out *frustration noises*

Eli was mad that I was gone but everyone else did tasks the imposter kept throwing out more and more crew mates until Elijah got thrown out. When he got thrown out he pushed everyone out of the way and hugged me

Y/N: hi?

E: hi

B: *sings* genuine moments

J: Britney shut up this is so cute

All was left was Daniel Alessandra and Micah were left we were hoping that Alessandra was the imp but it was Daniel and Micah. Alessandra voted out Micah making the imposters win and everyone from outside started yelling and arguing while me and Eli just stayed silent

The end of part 9 have a good day/night :)

Shiloh and bros among us with Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now