If eveything was like among us (part 8 airship)

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Well we made it to the airship. Shiloh was walking and grabbing some candy and she noticed that the m&ms and skittles were mixed so she called a meeting

Everyone: where

S: someone mixed the skittles and the m&m together

Everyone: gasp

E: ok, is anyone sus

J: no one is sus! I trust every single one of you

D: does he know

B: I'm doing this for everyone

S: mom gave us a list of task so get them done

Y/N: remember there's only two imposters

D: only 2 this'll be easy

E: hey wanna stick together

Y/N: okay

Me and Eli stuck together doing task, I was with him a lot but I didn't mind that. We both did trash and card swipe. We kept walking until the doors automatically got closed.

Y/N: oh great we're stuck in here for a minute

E: yep

After that it was just silence because it was really quiet, after the minute we both left the room and then we had to separate because I had to wipe the plane and he had to do data download, minutes later Micah called a meeting

Everyone: where

M: I saw Alessandra throw out Mary

A: what that's not true it was Micah

M: c'mon you guys gotta believe me

Everyone: points at Alessandra

D: ok, Alessandra was.....the imposter

S: ok guys there's still one more imposter left finish your task

Everyone went back to doing there task I had data download which sucked but I got that finished, I was going to my next task but I got thrown out by Kayla but Brittney gave me a snack from the plane so not a total lost.... I guess but I do miss Eli

A few minutes later Elijah got thrown out I was happy that I hugged him surprisingly he hugged me back

E: what's with the hug

Y/N: no reason, just wanted a hug. Oh yeah we also saved you a snack

E: Aw thanks

It was just Kayla Shiloh and Micah left and we were all getting worried because Kayla is pretty good at being an imposter.

When the meeting got called Micah and Kayla were just bickering about who was the imposter after a few minutes of thinking Shiloh pointed at...Kayla which made everyone gasp from outside, after Kayla got thrown out the crewmates won and threw a party

End of part 8 have a good day/night :)

Shiloh and bros among us with Y/NDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora