Chapter one

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Chapter one

Jared awoke from his drug induced coma, as well as the headache due to the whiskey and coke from

the night before. As Jared began the shower to get ready for the day, he began thinking about his wife

Mary and the twin children who died in a airplane crash on the way home from a family reunion/

vacation. Just then Jared began to become enraged and began mocking god for taking his family away

and in his head had him to eat body parts from all members of the the plane including his family so he

was able to survive. Just then he heard a noise coming from the living room and he was the only one

who lived in the house.

Jared emerged from his bedroom wearing a black and green flannel and blue jeans which

had holes in the knees and dirt on his boots as if he had been working all day. As Jared walked into the

living room their sat a women with a name sticker that read Janice from the market up the road. She

was tied up to the dining room table gagged and blindfolded. Jared remembered that he snatched her

last night as the grocery market was closing after grabbing another bottle of whiskey, beer, carrots ,

potatoes and white wine. Janice sat there confused and was stiff from sleeping in a wooden chair all

night, she heard footsteps coming closer, and began pleading with Jared to let her go. That she never

seen his or her face and that she wouldn't tell anyone just let her go. Jared got closer to Janice's ear and

whispered why leave don't you want to stay for breakfast. Just as he finished his statement he pulled

the blindfold off and stared directly into her eyes as he sharpened his small peering knife from his hay

words knife set. Janice began crying hysterically and shouting why are you doing this to me.

          Jared got tired of hearing the screaming, so he went out in the living room and grab the back of

the chair and began pushing Janice towards the kitchen, stated you were plucked from the market to be

featured in a video and a meal of mine where I make your flesh the star of my dish. Jared began

hooking up the video camera as well as logging onto his site that was developed to showcase his dishes

he had in mind to prepare. Entry one: Janice pot pie, next Jared got a needle full of numbing agent so he

can give it to Janice to keep her alive while he peeled her skin off to make a pot pie. Janice began

screaming again after seeing what Jared had planned for her. And not knowing if this was her last day

also added to the fear and helped increase the echo from her streams. Jared shut her up with a

numbing agent because the potatoes was already beginning to soften. Jared put his hockey mask on and

press record on the computer, first began taking pieces from her breasts and all along her neck area.

Jared then began browning the skin he had already pulled off, all while Janice is alive and being

Recorded. Janice couldn't believe that half of her skin was already peel off and she couldn't feel a thing

let a long struggle to try to become free, as Jared had the dough set up to put Janice skin, potatoes,

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