Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven

through the front door and searching room to room. Jarret had already escaped through the back door

and ran to the vehicle he had parked behind the mail truck. Just as he started the car and began to pull

away, he started smiling not only about the hearts he removed from Jennifers face but the fact that he

still had a gas in the truck waiting to come to dinner.  Royce and Ben Wilson began through the house

scanning room to room till one of them called all clear when the house was all searched. Ben Wilson had

already stop searching when he found his wife sitting in the dining room at the table limped over the

table passed out with pieces of which he couldn't make out because of the saturation of the blood dried

and covering her marks ben called for the ambulance and begin unwrapping the tape off of her arms

and legs and waist, Ben was screaming for the ambulance to show up more pissed than anything. Royce

stepped out front waiting for the ambulance to arrive, in about 20 minutes the ambulance arrived and

they had Jennifer already on the gurney as well as her hooked up to an IV because she had lost lots of

blood. Royce followed the ambulance as ben  rode with us his ex-wife to see her all the way there to the

hospital. Royce continued to follow and dispatched or called his superiors to let them know  of recent

events. As The ambulance pulled up to the emergency door, they backed in and opened the door

exposing the gurney with Jennifer on it emerging out of the doors and began rolling towards the

emergency room Doors and vanished inside. Ben was left to wait in the waiting room pacing back-and-

forth waiting to hear from the doctors about what was happening with his ex-wife. Royce came in the

waiting room and confirm that he called it in and explain the situation and they gave him permission to

use global positioning to be able to assist in the capture of Jarret. Right now Ben couldn't think of

anything else but what was happening to Jennifer and if she was going to be all right.         

                 Eventually been Wilson was tired and couldn't pace  any longer, just as he sat it  felt as if the

doctors emerged " mr. Wilson, your wife is in a induced coma to help her stabilized and had a couple

complications but she is stable and In a induced coma from what had happened before and not what

was happening now. Ben asked the doctor if she could have visitors and the doctor said yes however,

visiting hours are almost up, however you have some time with your wife I realize this is a moment and

you want some time.

               When was mad and feeling it and more than ever ready to kill Jared with his bare hands

squeezing the life out of his body as you watched his eyes go black and roll to the back of his head. Ben

couldn't take his eyes off his wife and her condition noticing that she had bandages on the same side of

the face that his was taking off. Ben started to freak out and start back to the desk where the doctor was

sitting and demanding that he explain what exactly happened in that house as well as why does she

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