Chapter ten

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Chapter ten

     "Beep, Beep" Jared zoned out at the red light, then it turned green and he was holding up the driving

lane. Jarret began driving moving for it looking for Jennifer Wilson's address 288 Clover Rd. Jared park

two houses away behind the mail truck, Jared noticed a blonde mail carrier in the truck looking for

packages and wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. Jared grabbed the door handle of the mail

truck and rushed in the back he grabbed the mail carrier by the throat and knocked her unconscious and

taped her mouth and legs and arms. Jared then looked out the mail truck notice the coast was clear and

popped his trunk and threw her over his shoulder carried her to the trunk threw her in and closed it.

Jared put on the carrier shirt as well as grabbed a random package and begin walking out of the back

door of the mail truck to the front door of the 288 house.

         "Ring, Ring, Ring" Jared began ringing the doorbell, a silhouette picture through a glass door

appeared. The door swung open and your ex is there a Jennifer Wilson staying at this residence. Jennifer

replied "that is I" do you want to sign for this package, "sure" Jennifer stated Jared asked" if she had a

pen" and Jennifer stated "she had one she just had to go grab it from off the counter". As soon as she

disappears into the house to retrieve the pen Jared walked in and shut and lock the door. Jared began

creeping in the house, got up right behind Jennifer and begin choking her until she passed out limp in his

arms he began tying her up with duct tape, then commence to duck taping her to the chair As  she sat

there limped over. Jared started by proving his smart phone out of his bag and began recording exactly

what he wanted been Wilson to see, so he wasn't going to start cutting her up yet he wanted to let

Detective Wilson know that he has his ex-wife. Jared record her limped and duct tape to the chair

pushed up to the table then in the recording you can see a shadowy figure dancing in the background

and Ben Wilson's old house. Finally Jared gets closer to the camera and starts speaking to Ben Wilson

"she wanted me to come over and play house." Jared started laughing hysterically and kept filming, next

Jared disappeared and once he returned you could see Jennifer sitting in a chair and a long shiny knife

behind her getting closer to the side of her face finally Jared smacked Jennifer across the face to wake

her to have her coherent and screaming so her ex-husband can feel the chills.

            Are you awake now" Jarret murmured, Jennifer replied " go to hell, and why are you doing this to

me". Jared laughed again on the record and begin smiling profusely. Jared replied I am here because of

her husband, because of him I was picked one, tormented, and ditched for years, I guess all this bent

Up emotions has me acting irrational Jenny. Now say hi to Ben. "Send" as he pressed send on the phone

using Wi-Fi to send the message to Ben Wilson,  jared turns to Jennifer and  asked "do you think he'll

answer, Jennifer spit in Jared's face and Jared just sat down on her sofa and crossed his legs and began

laughing again. Just as Jared stood to smack Jennifer across the face again, he raised his hand and the

phone rang, and it was a FaceTime call, oh Jennifer I guess he does care. Jared answered the video call

what's up Bam how's it going, why are you in my fucking house and got my ex-wife walked up to a chair

what are you planning. I'm already driving there and I will meet whatever do you have. First off man I

don't want anything except for you to stop following me and leave me alone. Next Ben it's not what I

want from you it's what I'm going to take from Jennifer. Oh and yeah I haven't forgot you're on the way

so I'll just take it and go. " you son of a bitch, how dare you when I find you I'm going to." Royce

interjected I don't think it is wise to threaten a person with your ex-wife as a hostage.

         "Hello, ben i'd listen to your friend the knife could slip or I could slip in probably hurt someone. I'm 

sorry my fault  just don't hurt her, I'm three towns away from you you can take me again remember I

got away. Jared smiled and replied that would be nice the one that got away without even a taste, Jared

begin laughing hysterically but I only came for a piece or sort of a nibble and I'll be on my way. Ben are

you still there Jared replied, Jennifer are you hurt you OK. Jared pointed the phone in her direction and

thought it been with her reaction of her laying limp and crying and praying for someone to help her.

Jared look back in the camera as he was holding Jennifers face in his hands and said " chow" for now

Old friend while he hit the end button. Well well Jennifer I finally got you all alone to myself, now about the

souvenir. Been looked at Royce and say I know you going fast but please drive faster. Royce gave the

look like I got you a step harder on the gas pedal and began weaving traffic. Then couldn't take his mind

off him putting his wife in danger, how could he not plan for this or for seem Jarretts ploy to sacrifice his

ex-wife. Royce was at a loss for words and didn't know how to make his  His partner feel better about

the situation. Finally Royce replied smugly he did state he was only going to take a nibble meaning he

was going to take a piece of her with him. Royce you're not making me feel any better if anything you

made me feel even more nervous about the whole ordeal and I want to be there even more now than

before. I was just stating the obvious, sorry for pointing out a statement of a derange serial killer bent

on cannibalism and destruction. Ben set back in the passenger seat way further back almost through the

seat looked at Royce and stated please hurry I don't think I can take The suspense anymore.

                 Jared began peering over Jennifer and trying to decide which part to take in his bio and take as a

Memento. Jennifer looked at Jared and began begging for Jared to stop and he can take whatever he

wants to just leave and don't touch her. Jared began sharpening his hunting knife then  siding

against it and stuck it back in his boot, and pulled out a scalpel and began cutting out hearts out of her

cheek on the same side as ben  Wilson who was missing the half of his face as well. Jared started feeling

the satisfaction of putting and pulling skin hearts off of Ben Wilson's wife's face, Jennifer went into

shock and Jared begin packing up his bag and grabbing his miraculous stuff to put into his vial. Finally

just as he was about to run out the front door he noticed Royce and been losing rushing in....

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