Chapter thirteen

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Chapter thirteen

          What was about to happen next to her, and he smiled and drove faster. It was so quiet you can

hear the air shooting past the car as Jarret took corners at 35. Jarret. Up at the road signs and notice the

next exit was his to go home to begin his cuisine on to unsuspected hostages.

                    Off the offramp Jared made a right then an immediate left and pulled into a driveway. After

Jared pulled into the driveway he swung the car around and began backing up to the spot by the tree

where he always parked and upon Lauren getting out the car, Jared waited for her to be out the car and

started walking towards the house to examine it as soon as she was out and Jared  was able to slip

behind her he hit her in the head with a closed hand. Lauren fell to the ground in a quick and forceful

motion, but she didn't pass out she was on her hands and knees eyes watering trying to figure out what

was going on, just as she wipes The tears from her eyes jared kicked her in the face with his size 12 boot

which knocked her out of Course but also busted her lips as well as her cheek open. Just then Jared

picked up Lauren and put her on the elevator to the bunker, he  proceeded to the trunk of the car and

grab Janet from the trunk still sedated and carried her over his shoulder to the bunker elevator as well

and then him the supplies in the two women all squeezed into the bunker elevator to go down to the

dwelling where he has been living since he tried to kill and or take detective ben Wilson face and cutting

hearts out of his ex-wife's flesh that he then kept  it as a Memento. Jared pushes the elevator button for

it to start emerging into the darkness, and elevate it was about the touch bottom you could see it was

well lit up like a Christmas tree. The front entrance was just as you was coming down the elevator and

then just says you went straight through you stumbled upon the kitchen and just off the kitchen was

two classrooms which looked like cubes where he held his hostages until dinner Time. Jared then

through Lauren over the shoulder again and threw her into one of the cubes and in there instead he

grabbed Janet and snatched all of her clothes off and begin hosing her down due to the fact she was

covered in her own urine and feces which caused her skin to weld up and get sores all over her genital

area. Jared then begin dressing her in his dead wife's clothes for lack of clothing for women.

       Jared had Janet get dressed and was watching her out the corner of his eyes and was getting

turned on from the glimpse he kept seeing as he was trying to watch her get dressed. Janet noticed

Jared was in Admiring her and begin trying conceiving a plan to escape or even call someone for help.

Just as Janet pulled up her underwear Jared pull his knife out of his boot as motioned for Janet to get

into the other cube cell beside Lauren and he latched the  plexiglass cube shut so there was no escape

Ever been eaten alive. ComTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang