Chapter 1

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"Af hverju þarf það að vera svona fokking kalt?" Skadi muttered to herself, as she wedged her axe into a soldiers head and used her free hand to knock out another.

"I thought you would be used to the cold, darling. Seen as you lived in Norway for so long" Came the voice of Loki through Skadi's ear piece. The woman grunted, throwing her axe at a soldier up ahead and the axe soon came back to her hand.

"I don't remember asking for your input" She answered in her thick Norwegian accent. The woman leapt into the air, and slammed her fist into a mans head, knocking him out cold.

"Focus you two. We need to focus on getting the sceptre that Loki lost" Steve said through the ear piece, making the God and Viking roll their eyes.

"Shit!" Everyone heard Tony yell.

"Language!" Steve called out, making Skadi snicker to herself as she slid against the ice and kicking two soldiers off their feet.

"Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asked the A.I.

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken" Skadi cursed to herself when she felt two bullets wedge into her back, but she continued on killing anyone that got in her way.

"Loki's sceptre must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defence without it. At long last" Thor said, happy that their mission was coming to an end.

"At long last is lasting a little long, boys" Natasha stated, after shooting a soldier in the back. Skadi came running up to Loki, killing a soldier who was about to shoot at the God.

"It appears we've lost the element of surprise" Loki breathed out, using his magic to throw three daggers at three on-coming soldiers after giving his best friend a nod in thanks. The two fought side by side, kicking, punching and stabbing every soldier that came at them.

"Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said language?" Tony questioned, making some of them chuckle.

"I know. It just slipped out" Steve huffed, after throwing his bike at a group of soldiers.

When all the soldiers around them were killed, Skadi and Loki were about go to the others but stopped. They looked to each other before looking around the wooded area they were standing in. There was a presence near by, but it wasn't one of the team.

"We have an enhanced on the field" Steve yelled through the comms, standing back on his feet after being knocked over. Skadi narrowed her eyes, trying to see anyone but she soon felt herself fall to the ground with a grunt, with Loki following close behind.

"Hvað í fjandanum var þetta?" Skadi hissed angrily, getting back on her feet and took out her sword.

Both her and Loki stood back to back, their weapons out. The Viking listened out, and quickly swung her sword to the left of her and smirked when she hit something or better yet, someone.

Looking to her left, she saw a boy with silver hair and a now fresh cut on his leg. Skadi and Loki walked towards the boy, making him look up at them.

"Nice try, kid" Skadi smirked, making the boy's eyes widen slightly. But before either of them could say anything, a shot was fired hitting Skadi in the arm.

Growling in annoyance, she looked to where it came from and threw her sword at the soldier. Now that she was distracted, the silver haired boy was able to get away before Loki could do anything.

"Tony, have you found a way for us to get in?" Skadi shouted, swinging her sword around as more soldiers came at her and Loki.

"I'm closing in" Tony replied. In the distance, an explosion was heard.

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