Chapter 3

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Eventually people started to leave hours later, leaving just the Avengers, were now lounging around talking about Thor's hammer.

"But it's a trick" Clint drawled.

"No, no, It's much more than that" Thor shook his head in amusement, making Clint scoff.

"Ah, whoever be he worthy shall haveth the power.....Whatever man! It's a trick" The archer said, making Thor and even Loki laugh.

"Please, be my guest" Thor said, stretching a hand out to where his hammer sat.

"This is gong to be great. Maybe you should do some stretches, you wouldn't want to pull a muscle" Skadi teased, making everyone but Clint laugh.

"We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up" Tony added. Skadi nearly chocked on her drink, as she tried not to laugh. Everyone watched Clint as he grabbed at the handle.

"You know I've seen this before, right?" He said, before trying to life the hammer but failed miserably.

"I still don't know how you do it!" He laughed, walking back to his seat.

"Smell the silent judgement" Tony spoke up.

"Please, Stark, by all means" With a small shrug, Tony stood from the couch unbuttoning his coat and cleared his throat looking cocky as ever.

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge. It's physics. Right, so, if i life it, i then rule Asgard?" He asked, looking over to the God of Thunder, who nodded with a wide grin.

"Yes, of course" Thor smirked. Everyone watched on as Tony tried to life the hammer, but was having no luck.

Not wanting to give up, the man went to get a piece of his suit and came back to see if it would work. When it didn't, he got the help of Rhodey. Skadi was having the time of her life, watching the two bitch at each other like a married couple.

Bruce then decided to have a shot, instead he embarrassed himself when he let out a yell but nothing happened.

When it was Steve's turn, everyone watched the hammer move a smidge, causing only Thor, Loki and Skadi to look shocked, while it seemed the others didn't notice.

"Better luck next time, Stevie" Skadi teased, making the man laugh and go back to his seat.

"Widow?" Bruce said, looking to Natasha who instantly shook her head.

"Oh, no, no. That's not a question I need answered" She said, taking a sip of her beer.

"Skadi should give it a shot. Maybe it's like a Norse thing, she's not a god but she is a Viking which is Norse, right?" Clint rambled. Skadi snorted at the drunk mans words, but stopped when she saw everyone looking at her.

"Wait, you're serious?" Skadi said, earning nods from the group.

"Come on, little Valkyrie" Thor beamed. The woman sighed, putting down her drink and got up from her seat to stand before the hammer.

Taking a deep breathe, she closed her eyes and wrapped her hand around the handle, then pulled upwards. She could suddenly hear gasps from the others, and slowly opened her eyes.

Skadi eyes nearly popped out of her head when she saw that she was holding the hammer. She looked to Loki and Thor, who shared the same shocked look on their faces.

"See! I told you it was a Norse thing" Clint yelled excitedly, throwing his hands up.

"I just know that my brothers would be jealous that I'm holding Mjolnir right now" Skadi giggled, placing it back down on the table.

"All hail the future Queen of Asgard!" Rhodey yelled, making the others follow suit. The woman rolled her eyes, but couldn't stop the smile on her face from widening.

"All of you are not worthy, except Skadi and myself" Thor boasted, lifting up his hammer with a mocking smile, earning groans of protest from the others.

A high-pitched noise was heard next, making everyone cover their ears.

"Worthy" Came an unfamiliar voice. Everyone stood up, looking to where the creepy voice came from.

"No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers" The broken robot said.

"Stark" Steve voiced.

"I'm sorry, i was asleep. Or i was a-dream" The suit said.

"Jarvis. Reboot Legionnaire OS. We got a buggy suit" Tony spoke.

"There was this terrible noise. And i was tangled I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy"

"You killed someone?" Skadi questioned, standing on guard with a dagger in hand.

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices" The robot said.

"Who sent you?" Loki spoke up next, standing protectively in front of Skadi.

"I see a suit of armour around the world" Came what sounded like a voice recording of Tony.

"Ultron" Bruce breathed out.

"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on mission"

"What mission?" Natasha asked.

"Peace in our time" Ultron said, just as other robots came flying through the walls. Everyone ducked down for cover.

Skadi ran towards a table, leapt up and grabbed onto a robot. The woman used her dagger, and stabbed the neck of the robot repetitively until it stopped working and the two fell to the floor.

She went to attack another one, but was blasted into a glass wall.

"Skadi!" Loki yelled, quickly demolishing the robots around him and then ran to where she was.

When he found her, he noticed that Skadi wasn't moving and that it was because she had a large shard of glass wedged in her heart. Even though he knew she would come back, it didn't make it any easier to witness.

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