Chapter 5

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A few hours later, the group had arrived at the safe house that Clint had taken them to. Skadi had snapped from her horrid thoughts not long after the jet took off, but she did not say single word. The woman's face was blank, and her eyes were empty which concerned Loki greatly.

Once landed, Clint led the distraught group towards a large house. Skadi and Natasha were the only ones from the group that knew where they were, so it brought them some comfort knowing where they were.

Walking towards the large farm house, Skadi sighed knowing that she would need to put up a front.

Skadi did flinch slightly when she felt a hand gently grab hers, but relaxed when she realised it was Loki's hand and gave it a small squeeze in thanks. The group made it inside, everyone except Natasha and Skadi looking around in wonder and confusion.

"Honey? I'm home" Clint called through-out the house. To everyone's surprise, they all saw a heavily pregnant woman.

"Hi" Laura smiled, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of the group.

"Company. Sorry, didn't call ahead" Clint said, giving the woman a kiss.

"This is an agent of some kind" Tony muttered in confusion. If it were any other time, Skadi would've made a joke, but she was in too much of a daze to say anything.

"Gentlemen, this is Laura" The archer introduced.

"I know all of your names" Laura chuckles, just as the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard. Skadi's lips twitched upwards slightly, already knowing who was coming.

"Ohh. Incoming" Clint beamed happily, turning around just in time to hug his son and daughter.

"And those are smaller agents" Stark added lowly, pointing at the children. This time gaining a small amused snort from the Viking.

"Did you bring auntie Nat?" "Is auntie Skadi here too?" Both of the children asked at the same time, making the two women step forward.

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" Nat smiled, kneeling down to hug the excited child.

"Hello, lítill stríðsmaður" Skadi smiled, spreading her arms out and chuckled when the boy nearly knocked her over with a tight hug.

Clint smiled at Nat, then turned to see Cooper hugging Skadi very tight. The man smiled at the scene, happy to see the woman smiling.

"Sorry for barging in on you" Steve spoke up.

"Yeah, but we were busy having no idea you existed" Tony added, earning an eye roll from both the women.

"Yeah, well, Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D's files. I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low" Clint explained.

Skadi had soon dazed out once again, her mind going back to the horrible nightmare she called a memory. Luckily, she was pulled from her thoughts by a small tug on her pant leg.

Looking down, the woman smiled warmly when she saw Lila. Picking up the small girl, Lila quickly wrapped her arms around the woman's neck.

"Hello there, litla dúfa" Skadi cooed. Loki, who had been standing beside her, watched on with a fond smile.

He could see how much she cared for the small children, and it warmed his heart. Feeling a tap on is arm, Loki turned to see Thor looking at him with a serious look. Nodding slightly, the two brothers walked out of the house without a word.

"Are you going to teach me and Cooper to carve things?" Lila questioned Skadi, whilst playing with the woman's fur cape.

"Not today, darling. But we can tomorrow If you'd like?" Skadi answered, earning a very enthusiastic nod from the small girl. Laughing slightly, the Viking gently placed the girl down and walked over to Laura who was already looking at her.

"It's nice to see you, Skadi" The Barton woman smiled, pulling her into a hug. Skadi wrapped her arms around Laura, careful not to squish the baby bump.

"It's good to see you too, Laur. You're looking radiant as ever" The two pulled away, and Skadi knelt down slightly with her hand on the woman's stomach.

"Halló, litla. Það er Skaða frænka þín hér. Ég vona að þú hafir hagað þér síðan ég fór. Ég get ekki beðið eftir að sjá þig og dekra við þig. Ég mun vera viss um að hafa handsmíðað sverð þitt tilbúið þegar þú kemur í þennan heim" Skadi muttered to the bump quietly, not noticing the fond smiles she was getting from the others as they watched her.

"You are not gifting out newborn child a sword, Skadi" Clint spoke up, making the woman scoff.

"Every warrior needs a sword. I've made one for both Lila and Cooper, it's only fair to make another one for your third child" Skadi said scoffed, making Laura chuckle and Clint roll his eyes with a smile.

Everyone had showered and changed into more comfortable clothes. Laura had cooked everyone breakfast, with the help of Skadi. After being fed, everyone decided to help out with some things that Laura wanted done. 

Skadi was cutting wood with Steve and Tony, but made it so she was a bit further from the two. The woman heard bits a pieces of the two men's conversation, but mainly focused on cutting the wood. She was so focused that she hadn't noticed that was it was now only Steve and herself.

"Have you heard from him?" Steve asked, making Skadi stop mid-swing of the axe. Sighing to herself, she wiped off the sweat from her brow and turned to the super soldier.

"He messaged me a few days ago. He says he safe, and that he's slowly remembering things. His nightmares are getting worse, but he's dealing with them" She explained.

"I miss him. I want to help him so badly, but it's hard if I don't know where he is" Steve sighed sadly.

"I miss him too, Steve. And when the time comes, he's going to need you" Skadi said, but Steve noticed that there was a hint of sadness in her tone.

"He'll need you too, Skadi. You're his best friend too, ya know" This earned a scoff from the woman, who roughly cut into the wood.

"He doesn't need me. I'm the reason he is what he is. I'm the last person he needs in his life, especially when it comes to helping him" She explained angrily, as she moved on to the next chunk of wood. The anger she felt towards herself and HYDRA was definitely showing.

"Skadi, that wasn't your fault. They did horrible things to you both, and you didn't have a choice when it came to training Buck. I know you would never harm him. I mean the reason you got captured was because you went out looking for him, hoping that he was alive. You couldn't have known what would happen later on" Steve said, walking over to the woman and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's time to move on and forgive yourself, Skadi. You shouldn't feel guilty for something you had no control over" With that said, Steve patted her on the back and left her to her own thoughts.

Skadi knew that Steve was right, and that she needed to forgive herself. But how was she meant to do that? She had spent so many years drowning in guilt, that she didn't know how to save herself. Shaking from her thoughts, Skadi went back to chopping wood to get her mind off things.

• Lítill Stríðsmaður - Little Warrior
• Litla Dúfa - Little Dove
• Halló, litla. Það er Skaða frænka þín hér. Ég vona að þú hafir hagað þér síðan ég fór. Ég get ekki beðið eftir að sjá þig og dekra við þig. Ég mun vera viss um að hafa handsmíðað sverð þitt tilbúið þegar þú kemur í þennan heim - Hello, little one. It's your Aunt Skadi here. I hope you have behaved since I left. I can't wait to see you and pamper you. I will be sure to have your handcrafted sword ready when you arrive in this world

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