Looking at my past

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Reira was standing before me my heart fell.
I remember the day we met at the time I liked her friend named Sarah. But she rejected my feelings and at the time I had no confidence in myself and felt like crap.
For some reason Reira has this way at reading people like she's know you for years. Her and I became very good friends, and I began to fall for her. It hurt to watch her date guys that would ask her out before me. Expecially when she didn't genuinely like them in a relationship sort of way. She only did it because they liked her. What a bitch right! Like how is that the right thing to do. In frustration I once asked her why she did that? She said that she noticed it hurt them when she rejected them, and that I quote "who was I to deny them false happiness due to her lack of emotions". Later when she was single I asked her out and she said yes. I was on cloud nine she even said she liked me. We dated for months and when school was about to end she broke up with me. I expected that but what hurt me was that this freshman had the nerve to ask her out right after we broke up, and she said yes. How dare she it was like I meant nothing like I had no feelings.
So here she is after all these years. Last I heard of her she was in New York going to school or something?
She stopped fighting with Kris and walked over to us looking like a pissed off kid.
Ugh hey Sean who's this.
She pointed at me and talked to the kid showing me around.
Ooo miss Collins meet Mr Sandaval.
She smiled at me and shook my hand. It was still soft and delicate like when we were younger.
Hello I'm Jacob Sandaval.
Huh Jacob Sandaval?
She let go and looked like she was confused or thinking.
Is there something wrong miss Collins?
Jacob.. Jacob? nothing it just sounded very familiar? Ooo well probably nothing.
That little shit forgot all about me. Ugh how frustrating. But I'm glad I've changed so much so I can act like I don't know her.
So Sean what is Mr Jacob doing here?
He's part of the company that wants to merge.
Her attention shifted to a girl holding a ipad.
I'm sorry Reira but can you look over this page from the new book please?
She took the ipad and switched the drawings around.
See Samantha this is the climax where she admits her love for him, what your problem was is the main focus was on the moments leading up to them.
Huh she works on love story's. Why dose that surprise me.
The girl left and Reira was still holding the ipad looking over something.
Miss Collins is the head of novels and manga and dabbles a bit in each floor.
Like for journalism she take the pictures for them and photoshops what's needed to for the magazine.
Wow Reira your busy aren't you.
She stayed staring at the ipad.
Sorry got to go problem in the drawings department.
She began walking away I wanted her to stay so I could bring up how she knew me in high school and make her feel like a total ass.
Wait Reira I'll go with you I'd like to see the art department.
Ummm sure I guess.
She seemed a little confused.
We went downstairs. We walked in and everyone was dead like the guys up stairs.
Ugh why is everyone depressed in this industry?
I wouldn't know.
She rushed around the main group of desks
to a separate single desk in the corner. The girl was laying on the desk and slowly lifted her head up when she heard Reira.
She looked extremely depressed.
What the hell is wrong with you hurry up with the drawing you lazy ass!
She pointed to the picture of a park.
You dope you only have the outline!
Shut up Reira!
Why the hell didn't you do the temple like in the original idea!
Because I couldn't draw the stupid temple figures.
The girl looked like she was on the brink of tears.
Don't pull those puppy dog eyes on me get to work and do the original idea!
I can't, find someone else to do it Reira please.
The whole room shouted shut up to the girl Reira was fighting with.
Lace don't push your work on the rest of us. So get your shit together.
Lace sat back down with her head low and her shoulders hunched.
I'm sorry Reira but I just can't.
Why am I even doing this. Is the pictures I'm even drawings getting through to any one? I should quit, my story's are crap anyways.
This girl like the world chewed her up and spit her out. She was facing some serious demon's.
Reira stood over her completely calm.
Well if that's what you want I won't stop you. You know I will not cater to thoughts who pity themselves.
I couldn't believe her why was she being so tuff on her.
Lace this isn't the time to feel sorry for yourself. I know you've had a shit week with the book sales, but you were picked for a reason. If you want to quit fine but I know you would feel even worse then you do now.
Lace began to look a little better.
Also Lace it doesn't hurt to ask for help.
She looked at Reira with a pleading glare.
Can you help me Reira.
She smiled at Lace.
She turned around grabbed some papers pens rules and a bunch of other stuff from the cabinet.
*whistle* Hey you Jacob your helping.
Haha sorry I don't draw.
I know but you don't have a choice.
Her and I sat at two empty desks in the corner facing each other.
Reiras words still somehow calm you like a baby to a lullaby. Even her tuff love is still comforting to me and to others also. Right after that little talk Lace began working right away. Why is she still so alluring to people.
I ended up staying till the next day it was me Reira and Lace diligently drawing the pages. We finished the chapter at about 4 or 5 o'clock in the morning.
Lace left and went home Reira went back to the manga floor. So I followed her back.
There was a couch next to the vending machines, I layed on the couch wile Reira got drinks from the vending machine.
Why is that the manga industry is so freaking depressing?
Honestly kid I couldn't tell ya.
She pushed my feet off the couch and sat where they were on the couch. Then handed me a canned coffee.
Why were you so hard on Lace?
Well she's usually not the historical one, but she didn't need someone to baby her she'd feel worse.
Huh she still reads people man that's no fair.
Jacob why are you still here? Won't Miranda be worried?
Naa I'll tell her I'm working la.......
Did she just say Miranda?
What the hell. She pulled out a pack of cigarettes, pulled one out and began smoking it.
What? She's your fiancé right?
H-how the hell do you know that?
Well you have a ring on you left had and you are the Jacob i went to high school with. She is also my best friend and you are still someone I consider a friend too.
You knew it was me the hole time!
She laughed.
How could I not, no body I know really blends in with the crowd and you still look the same to me.
Why didn't you say anything?
I keep my work and personal life separate.
Still I mean like what the fuck.
She scrunched up her face.
What were you expecting me to do gravel at your feet?
No! But some sort of apology or complement.
Ummm why would I apologize?
Your kidding right?
I gave her a blank death glare.
OK. I guess your still bitter at what happened in high school?
Yes I mean like who the fuck dose that.
Ooo god, kid you should be over it your marring my best friend for crying out loud, and I'm happy for you two so what's the problem?
I was getting pissed and got up and was about to leave when I just had to say something.
And you don't even look the least bit bothered.
Why should I be? you made it clear you wanted nothing to do with me when I tried talking to you.
The whole time she was so calm and didn't look the least bit frustrated envious.
Jacob why the hell should I be envious?
I stood there so angry and felt I was nothing.
She put her cigarette out and put her elbows on her knees.
Jacob I'm happy for you guys I was glad to hear you guys were going out. But getting married is not my ideal. I'm happy where I'm at and I'm happy that your confident in yourself. All I hoped for was your happiness, you and Miranda both disservice to be happy
I felt so reached, this isn't how she's suppose to feel.
What ever at least I've changed and know I'm better than you.
I began walking away when I heard Reira say from behind me.
Jacob.... It was nice meeting you.
She said in a low soft voice layed back on the couch looking at the pack of cigarettes.
I stormed out really angry.
I feel like I failed she was supposed to be beging for me to take her back but she was just happy for me. Why why can't I hurt her like she hurt me.

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