Things you shouldn't say.

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The next day I felt like shit. Knowing almost everything about Reira and her past was eating away at me. I didn't want to see her or be near her. The pain Kris spoke of that she carried scared me. How could someone who smiles so bright, be so tormented and abused?
Today both company's were throwing a party to announce the merger with all employees. I couldn't face Reira an act like I know nothing when everything that she felt was streaming through my mind.
That whole day I stayed in my office and when the party came around I tried to bail but Leon wanted a ride to the restaurant. We drove to a well known restaurant said to be the rage for its unique twist on korean food.
They rented out the whole place. The restaurant was filled with our small set of people from advertising. Reira and the company she worked for however was what made this place so packed. We all dressed extremely formal. I just wore my usual suit and tie. I saw Kris and talked with him for a while. He had on a light gray suit with light gray pants and a baby blue button up shirt and black dress shoes on. He also had a maroon handkerchief in his chest pocket on his jacket. We talked until I was stunned by Reiras appearance in
the corner of my eye. She was wearing her signature color red. She had a very fitted red dress on, that went just above her knees. It had some sort of rousing in the chest and had spaghetti straps and thicker straps that hung from her shoulders. With black strapped high heels with red under them. The sight of her would make any man's heart race. She was so beautiful, for a moment I felt like how I did in high school. Kris saw her and left me to talk with her, she was smiling and laughing, it hurt to see how happy he made her. She never smiled or laughed like that around me, I was feeling extremely jealous of there relationship. A couple hours past.
Soon the heads of the company began to speak and explain what was going on and what changes were made.
Everyone was happy and excited for the change. I was happy to get a second chance at Reira.
Suddenly Reiras editor and head of the company moved to the front. He got up on a chair and got everyone's attention. He had rectangular glasses and a gray suit jacket with brown patches on the elbows, a white button up shirt and a pair of jeans and dress shoes.
He said holding a glass of what looked like scotch and ice. He said
" We all know that Watsons editorial will be receiving some major changes. One being part of Goldberg and Smits advertising, but there is one person I want to highlight. Not only is she beautiful she is what makes the company run, she is the life blood to our company. So I would like to ask Reira to please come stand by my side."
She walked over to him and he got down off the chair and stood next to her, his arm around her shoulders.
"Reira here is an essential part to all my writers, editor's, even artists. She was what this company needed to bring it to the top."
He paused for a second and took a breath where was he getting at. He was making it seem like she was dieing or something.
"So it brings me great sadness to announce our best editor, photograph and you name it."
He said grabbing her shoulders shaking her. She just laughed and humored him.
"It pains me to say Reira will no longer be with us any longer. She is going to be working in korean for seagull editorial."
What! My heart fell, when I was going to get her back she leaves my life again. This felt like she was moving farther and farther from me, the space between us was going to be sea's apart.
"So let's wish our good friend and colleague luck and lots of love. I hope you enjoy the vast amounts of Asian men or woman what ever your into."
The room clapped and cheered. She tried to walk to Kris but she was being stopped by people greeting her thanking her and wishing her good luck. I watched with frustration. Why.. why... was she leaving no why was I loosing her all over again why am I not getting what I want. I'll admit it now why I bothered her so much is because, I WANT REIRA!
She walked to Kris he gave her a big hug. He was holding her and I swore he almost kissed her, it sent me over the edge. I walked over to her and grabbed her wrist and pulled her outside.
We were outside and it was late and windy. It was a little cold.
Jacob what the hell is your problem!
She yelled at me rubbing her wrist.
What's my problem really? When were you going to say you were leaving?

What? That's what you're mad about.
Why do you care you hate me.
Soon Kris came out of the restaurant.
Ummm what the hell is going on? Jacob man you'r freaking me out.
I didn't care I had to say what I needed to say.
Reira began rubbing her arms because she was cold. Kris took his jacket off and put it on her shoulders.
How dare he act like they were a couple infront of me, that son of a bitch never had a chance with her.
I rushed over to her and grabbed her and took the jacket off and threw it on the ground.
Jacob! Cut your shit what the hell is wrong with you. She said looking very angry now.
Why are you leaving why now.

Because I got an offer that I couldn't refuse. Why do you care? You should be happy I'm gone.

You were supposed to...
I paused because I couldn't say it I didn't know how to say it.
Jacob what is wrong with you? You want me to stay, leave. What.. What do you want from me! I can't read your mind so what the hell is the problem!

The problem is I don't want you to leave. I don't want to loose you again.

Why you hate me.

Because I......
My heart began beating fast and I was feeling extremely nervous.
Because I want you!
I shouted. She paused and step back. Kris looked shocked.
What the hell do you mean you want me?

I want you to be my girlfriend my wife my love my life, because I never stopped thinking or loving you.

She looked angry. She stomped over to me and drew her right hand back and punched me in the face. Man for only weighting like 20 pounds she knew how to hit. I looked at her and she was shaking her hand.
You stupid bastard! After all I did to make you forget me, what about Miranda. You... you stupid ungreatful shit.
She turned around and walked away. Kris ran down the street after her. He grabbed her buy the shoulder and turned her to face him and told her something I couldn't hear. Also I was busy grabbing my face where she hit me. He ran back and grabbed his jacket that was on the floor.
He looked at me and shook his head.
Dude what the hell you have a fiancé that's not fair to her.
I said nothing and watched them walk away. Why did I do that, why did I say that. I do love Miranda but I don't love her the way I love Reira. Ooo god why can't I forget her. Guess it took me so long to realize she was still so vidal to me.
I guess now there is no going back. I hope Reira understands.

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