Chapter 1

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Erica was out patrolling the streets of Brooklyn Heights searching for criminal activity.

She eventually came across a tall, skinny man with greasy black hair getting rid of rubbish from houses.

The rubbish he was taking was strange and some of it seemed to useful to be taken to the dump.

At some point, Erica saw him take a rusty old mailbox off its stand and throw it away.

"You! Stick up your mitts" said Erica drawing her gun.

The man put his hands in the air.

Erica approached him and said "You're under arrest."

"What happened, flatfoot? Did someone steal a bridge? Wasn't me" said the guy's nasally voice.

"You took a mailbox off its post. I hereby declare thievery and demand that you return it to its previous position" said Erica.

"It's in the dump. Nothing comes back from the dump. Not unless I'm using it for something" said the man.

"What?!" snapped Erica.

"Yeah. Look, lady, this is my job. My boss has sent me on a Feng shui kick. Apparently that involves removing rusty stuff from neighborhoods like this one" the man explained.

"Does the rest of town know this or are you lying?" said Erica.

"The whole town knows. Except the cops, apparently, so why don't you put down the gun. My arms are getting tired."

Erica put her gun away.

"Now let's start this thing over. Your name please?"

"Erica Grey."

"Eddie DeFranko."

"Huh. It's funny because my friends work for a guy named Benny DeFranko" said Erica.

"Does he manage the Red Carpet Hotel?" said Eddie.


"Then your friends work for my brother!" 

"Oh my god; really?" said Erica.

"Yeah; I was planning on seeing him after work" said Eddie.

"Well, by god, we're right here now. Come on!" said Erica.

She took Eddie's hand and dragged him to the hotel.

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 12- "Bad and Good Brotherhood"Where stories live. Discover now