Chapter 6

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Eddie was fixing a hole in the wall behind Milt Barnhill's desk.

"Wow! It looks great. And all it took was a piece of rusty metal" said Milt.

"That's his job, Mr Barnhill. Maybe he could renovate the whole building" said Nigel.

"Well, it's a big job, Nigel. It could take weeks and this is the only day I'm assigned to this street" said Eddie.

"There's always a catch to it" said Nigel.

"But do you think you could at a little more to your brother's hotel?" said Patrick.

"Eh, he wouldn't let me" said Eddie calmly.

"And this surprises me. How do you handle your grouchy old brother? I can hardly ever bear him" said Milt.

"When you grew up with a guy like Benny, it's almost impossible not to handle him" said Eddie.

"I s'pose that's accurate" said Patrick.

"And speaking of handling, I have to get going if I'm gonna handle all of today's work" said Eddie.

"Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr Eddie" said Nigel.

"The pleasure was all mine, Nigel and Patrick. If you ever need Feng shui, look me up" said Eddie.

"Will do, sir" said Nigel.

And with that, Eddie's visit to Brooklyn Heights ended there.

Brooklyn's Red Carpet ep. 12- "Bad and Good Brotherhood"Where stories live. Discover now