2. The Date

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The anticipation was building up inside of me as I headed back to my dorm room to get ready for my date with Kyle. I had never been on a date before, so I was both excited and nervous about what to expect. I stood in front of my closet for a while, trying to decide on what to wear. I settled on a black t-shirt and jeans, hoping it was casual enough for a first date.

As I made my way to the meeting place, my nerves started to get the best of me. What if I said something stupid or did something embarrassing? I took a deep breath and reminded myself to just be myself. I arrived at the coffee shop and spotted Kyle sitting at a table, his tail wagging with excitement.

"Hey Tyler, you made it!" Kyle said with a smile, standing up to greet me.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied, trying to sound confident.

We ordered our drinks and sat down at the table. I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to Kyle. He was so friendly and outgoing, and I found myself opening up to him more than I ever had with anyone else.

As we chatted and sipped our coffee, I noticed Kyle staring at me more than usual. It made me feel both nervous and excited at the same time. I wasn't sure if he was just being friendly or if he was interested in me romantically. I decided to take a chance and ask him.

"Hey Kyle, can I ask you something?" I said, taking a deep breath.

"Sure, anything," he replied, smiling at me.

"I was just wondering if...if you maybe saw me as more than just a friend?" I asked, my heart racing.

Kyle's eyes widened in surprise, but then a smile spread across his face. "Actually, I was hoping you'd ask. Tyler, I really like you...a lot."

I felt a rush of emotions flood over me - excitement, nervousness, and happiness all rolled into one. I couldn't believe that the guy I had been crushing on felt the same way about me. We talked more about our feelings and our hopes for the future, and before we knew it, it was time to head back to our dorms.

As we said our goodbyes, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. I had taken a chance and it had paid off. I had found someone who accepted me for who I was, and who liked me just the way I was. It was a feeling I had never experienced before, and it was one I hoped would last for a long time to come.

As I walked home from my date with Kyle, I couldn't help but replay the events of the day over and over in my head. It was such a relief to finally find someone who accepted me for who I was and didn't judge me for my past experiences.

As I walked through the door of my dorm room, I was greeted by my roommate, Waverly. "Hey Tyler, how was your date?" she asked with a cheerful grin.

"It was great," I replied, still beaming from the experience. "We had lunch together and then went to the park. We talked for hours and I feel like I really connected with him."

Waverly's grin widened. "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you, Tyler. You deserve to be with someone who treats you well."

I couldn't agree more. After all the bullying and rejection I had faced in the past, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders to have someone like Kyle in my life.

"Thanks, Waverly. I really appreciate your support," I said, feeling grateful for her presence in my life.

"Of course, Tyler. That's what friends are for," she said, patting me on the back. "Now, go get some rest. You look exhausted."

As I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of my date with Kyle. I felt like my life was finally starting to turn around, and I couldn't wait to see where things would go with him. For the first time in a long time, I felt truly happy and content.
I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh. It had been a long day, but it was all worth it. The date with Kyle had gone better than I could have ever imagined. I felt a sense of peace and calmness, knowing that I had someone who cared for me.

As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but think about Kyle. His warm smile, his infectious laugh, and the way he made me feel. I had never felt this way before, and it scared me a little.

What if I screwed it up? What if I wasn't good enough for him? These thoughts plagued me, but I tried to push them aside. I needed to focus on the positive, on the fact that for once, I had something good in my life.

I smiled to myself, knowing that I had made the right decision in giving Kyle a chance. As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for us. Whatever it was, I knew that I was ready for it.

"Writer's" comment: It's literally just the second chapter and they started dating already- God dam.

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