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Hey, Wyatt here, and it looks like that I made ChatGPT create a novelette for me.

So, let me tell you how this happened.

It was late at night, about 2AM in the morning. I was thinking of ideas on how to start the first chapter of my novel. Then a random thought came to my mind. "What if I ask ChatGPT to write a novelette for me?", as soon as that thought came to mind, I opened a browser and logged into openai, accessing ChatGPT and giving it a prompt.

Half asleep as I typed in the prompt, somewhat escorting the AI in making the chapters of the novel, like I was the teacher and it was the student. And there, I was finished with telling the AI what to do.

Chapter: Prologue
Narrator: Tyler
Subject: Him being excited about entering university and how he could start over again.

Is what the input looked like, confident in the input, I sent it to the AI and it started writing the chapters for this novellete.

And that's basically it.

By the way, this novelette is pretty confusing, and the titles don't even connect to the chapter. This just reflects how ChatGPT won't replace human writers... yet...

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