CHAPTER 41 - Portofino Lovers

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It's been three years since I left Tokyo and moved back to Seoul. At first, I thought the change of scenery would do me good, but the pain of leaving Jennie's memories still lingered in my heart. I did everything I could to move on and heal my broken heart.

I threw myself into my work, spending long hours at the office, closing deals and expanding my business across East Asia. It was a welcome distraction, but at night, I still found myself thinking of Jennie and what could have been.

I also travelled a lot during those years, going to places I've always wanted to visit. Seeing the world and experiencing different cultures helped me gain a new perspective on life. But no matter where I went, Jennie was always at the back of my mind.

When I moved back to Seoul, I also spent a lot of time with Jisoo, my co-founder and close friend. She was always there for me, offering support and encouragement. Together, we worked hard to make our company successful and create a better future for ourselves. And while I still had moments of sadness and longing, I was proud of the person I had become and the life I had built for myself.

Overall, I am in a much better place now than I was five years ago. I have come a long way since Jennie left me. I have learned to heal my broken heart, and I have grown as a person. I am proud of myself and everything I have accomplished.

Although I don't talk about Jennie much anymore, I don't regret meeting her. She taught me so much about life and love, and for that, I am grateful. I have moved on, and I am happy with where I am now. I have my business, my friends, and my family. I am content with my life and the people in it.

But as much as I try to move on from my past, there are certain things that I cannot forget. I have been trying to acquire Nie Kaffe for years. It's not just because of the potential profits, but also because it holds a special place in my heart. It's a piece of Jennie that I don't want to let go of. I want the coffee chain to remember her and the hard work she put into it.

Now, after all these years, it seems like my dream is finally coming true. I am in the process of acquiring Nie Kaffe at a whopping 650 million USD from Softbank. It feels like a dream come true, but it's also bittersweet knowing that Jennie won't be there to see it.

As I sit here, looking through the acquisition papers for Nie Kaffe, my heart swells with emotion. It may sound silly, but I feel like this is one of the ways I can show Jennie how much I still love her, even though we're no longer together. The coffee chain holds a piece of her, a piece that I couldn't bear to let go. And as I sign the final papers, I can't help but think about all the memories we shared over a cup of coffee. It's a small way to keep her with me, to keep our love alive.


As much as I hate to admit it, drinking has become somewhat of a hobby for me after my break up with Jennie. At first, it was just a way to forget about her, to numb the pain and drown out the memories. But as time went by, it turned into a habit of mine to visit downtown bars every now and then.

I know it's not healthy, and my friends keep telling me to find a better way to cope with my emotions, but it's just so hard to resist the allure of alcohol. The way it makes everything seem a little less daunting, a little less painful.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just trying to fill the void that Jennie left behind with something else. But then all I know is that I'm always on my way to the bar.

I arrived at Imadegawa, the luxury cocktail bar in Gangnam, and entered the back door. As I looked around, I searched for Jisoo and Rosé. It was a beautiful evening, and I was excited to catch up with them.

I smiled as I saw Jisoo and Rosé sitting at a table, holding hands and looking so in love. I was happy for them, and I knew that they had tied the knot in Portofino, Italy last year.

Their relationship had blossomed when they met again in Hong Kong three years ago. It was a beautiful love story, and I was glad that they had found each other.

As I walked towards them, Jisoo stood up and hugged me tightly. Rosé followed suit.

I sat down with Jisoo and Rosé, happy to catch up with my friends. As we ordered drinks, Jisoo began teasing me about my love life.

"So, Lisa, are you finally dating someone?" she asked with a sly smile.

I laughed and took a sip of my cocktail. "Maybe someone saw me with Irene going in and out of my apartment," I said, playing along.

Jisoo raised an eyebrow. "Irene? Isn't she your cousin?"

I smiled mischievously. "exactly!"

Rosé giggled at our banter, but then asked seriously, "But Lisa, why wouldn't you clear the rumor? What if it's causing more harm than good?"

I shrugged. "I don't want to clear it because I want Jennie to know that I've moved on. That I'm happy with someone else. It's my way of letting her know that she can't just come back into my life whenever she wants."

Rosé then asked about Jennie and if I knew anything about her. I took a deep breath before answering. It's been a while since I last talked about Jennie with them, and to be honest, it still stings a bit to even think about her.

"I don't really know much about Jennie. After she left, we never really talked again," I said, trying to sound as casual as possible.

Rosé had a follow-up question. "Why didn't you run after her? How about now? Maybe she's okay now?"

I paused, thinking about how to answer. "I didn't run after her before because she explicitly told me not to," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "And now, I don't know. There was so much pain. I'm afraid she will reject me again."

Jisoo and Rosé exchanged a knowing look. They knew how much I had been hurt by Jennie's sudden departure from my life.

"Lisa, you have to take a chance," Jisoo said firmly. "You can't let the fear of rejection hold you back. You deserve to be happy."

I nodded, knowing she was right. But the thought of reaching out to Jennie again still filled me with apprehension.

As we sipped our cocktails and caught up on each other's lives, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever find the courage to face my feelings for Jennie head-on.

As I left the bar, I couldn't help but think about Jennie. Despite everything that happened between us, a part of me still cares for her. But for now, I need to focus on my own life and my own happiness. Who knows what the future holds, but for tonight, I'm content with the love and support of my friends.

My Heart is Full (JENLISA)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant