New School Year

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Okay, so this is my first story on wattpad that I'm actually set to finish. You might be thinking, "What makes this different from other stories?" The thing is, this is all based on a true story. This is my life story. This is before 'the big move,' so I'll hopefully make a second book on my life after this one.

--- June 6th, 2010 ---

“I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and a cardigan...

Ugh. Sitting up in bed, I blindly reached for my blaring alarm clock, desperate to turn that noise off. I really would change the song, but in all honesty I didn’t know how to work the thing, so I would just have to wait until Sadie came by my house again.

Letting out a huge yawn, I blinked, trying to adjust my eyes to the light streaming in through my window. The taste of morning breath was in my mouth, although I was too lazy to get up and brush my teeth. You know those days when you just don’t want to get out of bed? I know, that’s basically every day, but today was different.

...Or so I tell myself as I snuggle into my blanket and close my eyes, ready to drift off to sleep again.   


Of course, someone had to ruin it. Looking at the clock, I realized that I was pretty late, so throwing off my comforter I scrambled out of bed, ready to take on the day by the horns.

Not really.

Today was the first day of grade eight, and despite my lack of willpower to get out of bed, I was pretty damn excited. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love summer vacation and all, but after a while it just seems so... boring. The first month flew by pretty fast with me eating, sleeping and reading books on repeat, but the last few weeks I spent itching for the day I would be able to get back to school and see all my friends again.

Brushing my teeth with one hand and untangling my black mane with the other, I squinted at my reflection in the dirty bathroom mirror (Multi-tasking at its best... I’m a girl for a reason). I looked like a hot mess, but that didn’t come as a big surprise. My brown eyes looked tired due to the many all-nighters I had pulled, and my tan complexion looked pale with the absence of sunlight. If I gave you one piece of advice it would be this; if someone ever tries introducing you to the internet, telling you how much it’ll change your life for the better, don’t listen to them. Trust me.      

I tied my hair into the mandatory pigtails our school required, and slipped into my dull gray uniform. That’s right, I said mandatory pigtails. You see, I went to a strict private school here in Chennai, India. I was born and brought up in Canada, but my parents decided to move here a few years ago so that we could learn more about our ‘culture.’ Pfft.

It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, I made friends at my new school and the climate was bearable now that I was used to it. Most of the people who went to my school grew up in North America as well, so it wasn’t that big of a culture shock when I first moved here.

I never really got over the hairstyle that was required of us though. I looked like a cowgirl. No, not the sexy looking ones with guns and cool boots, I was more of a drenched in sweat, zombie version.

Taking a moment to survey my appearance in the long mirror situated outside my room, I slid down the staircase's side rail, getting more excited by the second to meet my friends I hadn’t seen in forever. I personally think I changed a lot over the summer. For one, I was becoming more feminine by the day. Last year I was the tomboy of our grade. All the guys saw me as their guy friend stuck inside a female body- having a flat chest and being a late blossomer in general didn't help either. Being the only girl in my grade who even played sports added on to that notion (Really cliché Indian private school remember?). Over the summer though, I think I grew out of my baby clothes, and now I even wear bras! Okay, too much information.

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