New Kid

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"Now class, I'm your homeroom teacher for the academic year." the evil woman said, writing her name on the classroom blackboard. Even something as innocent as that made my skin crawl.

What? No. This cannot be happening. This was supposed to be the best year of my life!

"This year we will be learning about..." As she droned on I thought about Hanna and Peter again. Why was it that I was the only one without a crush or vice versa? Everyone seemed to have somebody. My parents were another issue; they won't let me date until university! Not that there were many options anyway. All the guys in my grade were like brothers to me, except maybe that hottie in 8-E, Nathan Miller. But he was so gloomy and broken, he wasn't my type. Well maybe prince charming wasn't even from my school. Maybe, he-

"Scarlett, she's talking to you!" Sharon said,  poking her bony elbows into my side.

"Uhh, what?" I said, looking up from my daydream, not really paying attention. I should probably stop drifting off so much.

"Scarlett, it hasn't even been one hour of school yet! Could you try giving me a little respect?" VJ said from the front of the class.

Suddenly I felt very wide awake.

"Y-yes, sorry miss, I was just thinking about, uh-"

"Like I was saying, this year I am set to discipline all of you. To do that, I'm enforcing some new rules, number one: No going out for recess."

The class let out a collective groan.

"Now don't give me any of that. Number two, I'm setting your seating plan, and there will be no changing your seat in ANY of your classes, other than lunch break. Number three, as you all probably know; is no relationships. None what so ever. If I see you talking to the opposite gender for an extended period of time, adjustments will be made."

Everyone looked at one another, while VJ burned holes right through Sadie. The class got seemingly quieter; making 'pin-drop silence' an understatement.

Sadie stared right back, seemingly unnerved. Of course, that was just a façade she was pulling off; she was probably wetting her pants right now. Since last year, the rumours about her and Keaton were spreading like wildfire, and now the teachers probably knew too. Damn those tattle-tales; just 'cuz you can't get any doesn't mean you cock-block everyone else.

After what seemed like hours, VJ finally broke free of their staring contest and proceeded with her lecturing. 

"Now everyone get your bags and stand in front of me, I want to assign you your seating plan."

Damn, already? It was still the first day of school for god's sake!

As she rattled off a list of names, I was still dazed. I wondered what this year held for me.

"Sadie, you will sit beside Drew, and Scarlett, you'll sit by yourself in the far back corner."

Oh snap, Keaton would not be happy with that; he's really over protective. Or suspicious, you could say. Wonder how long they'll last th- WAIT WHAT? I'm sitting by myself? No, this can't be happening. VJ knew I was overly social. Ugh, I'm gunna die- and no, I'm not being overly dramatic.

Putting my bag by my seat and sitting down, I raised my hand.

"Yes, Scarlett?"

"Are these seats permanent?"

"Yes, of course, unless you have a problem with that?"

"No no, of course not..."

I could feel my inner social butterfly slowly dying. This was going to be gruesome.

As the door creaked open, the whole class turned around to look at the late comer. An unspoken thought ran through everyone's minds; "that kid is screwed."

Except mine of course- Yeah, prince charming will walk in, and we'll fall madly in love, then we'll get m-

Oh damn.

He actually was pretty good-looking. Talk about cliché.

"And why are you late mister?"

"Sorry miss, I'm new here."

"Oh, I'm sorry, please take a seat over there," she said, pointing out a spot for him. She'll be nice to you for now pretty boy, but in another few days, you're just as screwed as the rest of us.

He was around 5"8, and at my dwarf size of 5"3, that was pretty tall. He had a nice smile, which literally lit up his face. Oh my god, his hair. It looked like he just got out of bed, but that was the most attractive hairstyle on guys, in my opinion. I won't say he was a greek god, but he was definitely a fine piece of human. Or whatever beautiful thing he was. Look at him, just casually walking over towards me. Inching closer every second...

"Hey," said the beautiful face.

Was he talking to me?

"Erm... so I guess you're really quiet?"

Holy shit, he's talking to Me! In your face, all you stupid couples. My prince charming has finally come for me. Now just say something cool Scarlett.

"H-hi," I stammered. Smooth Scarlett, smooth.

"Scarlett, where are your manners? Take your bag off his seat and welcome the new student!" VJ was saying from the front of the class.

What bag was she talking about?

I looked to my left, and noticed my black and white polka-dot bag on the seat beside me.

I really needed to get a new bag. But on another note, Beautiful face was my Next-seat neighbour! Woot!

Mentally doing my oh-so-famous victory dance, I moved my bag over.

He sat down beside me, and goodness, he smelled good. His cologne smelled like pine- it was like he grew up in a pine wood forest. Okay, bad description, but you get what I'm saying. God, it was intoxicating.

"So, since we're stuck together for the next 10 months, what's your name?" he asked, giving me a huge grin.

"Scarlett Evans," I said, trying not to stammer. "What's yours?"

"Kyle, Kyle Owen."

This year was going to be good, I just knew it.


And that's all poopies! Hope you enjoyed it! :) Remember to Comment, Vote, Fan, and whatever else you need to do!

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