A New Relationship? (Unedited)

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Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been a bit late, but I’ve been co-writing a new book with @2Complicated4U. It’s called ‘Identically Different,’ and the prologue is up on our joint account, @OnePieceMissing (Account linked above). So go check it out! :D

Hope you like this chapter, I’m skipping my business homework for this.

…Not that I’d do it anyways, but still. Enjoy!

I hurriedly stood on my tiptoes, checking my reflection in the long mirror outside my room. Feeling satisfied with what I saw, I called down to my dad, telling him to hurry up. I couldn’t wait for this party; I finally got to see Kyle. I finally got to see him after… well only about a day but still. It felt like centuries.

Today was the big day. Richard’s party started in twenty minutes, and I went full- out to make sure I looked my best. I was wearing a flowing black top that flattered me, along with some light blue skinny jeans and ballet flats. Simple but effective. Yesterday Vivien seemed to be avoiding me, and I felt pretty bad about what happened the day before. Maybe I could patch things up between us today, I really couldn’t bear seeing her sad any longer. On the other hand, Keaton and Sadie seemed to be back together, and were acting very shady yesterday; talking in hushed whispers and glancing at my table every few minutes. I had my eyes on them.

Skipping down the stairs, I patted Hazel on the head and kissed my mom good bye.


“Get into the picture!” Hanna shouted from beside me. All around us people were dancing, talking and playing twister- mature, I know. Chuckling, I stepped into the camera’s view, hoping I didn’t look like Godzilla in the picture.

“Hey, what about the birthday boy?” Richard said, fake pouting while grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

“Ew, cooties!” I grinned, playfully poking him in the cheek- he hated when I did that. He gave me a flat look, further proving my point.

Taking out his camera, he held it up to face us, as I pulled my craziest face. He did the same, scrunching up his bunny nose and crossing his eyes. After the blinding flash, he brought the camera closer so that we could see the picture we took. I had to restrain myself from going ‘Aww,’ because Richard looked plain adorable in it.  

“Hey, you don’t look too bad,” I said instead.

“Says you. Have I ever told you that you’re actually are one of the prettiest girls I know?” I almost chortled with laughter, he and I both knew that wasn’t true. Oh well, at least he was trying to make me feel better about my anti-photogenic-ness. I snorted in a very unfeminine way, now looking over his shoulder to see a pair of eyes watching us. Not just any eyes, but Kyle’s dark brown ones. His shoulders where hunched, and his gaze unwelcoming as he watched us converse.

“Hey, gimme a moment, I’ll be right back,” I interrupted what Richard was saying and walked over towards Kyle. On seeing me, his face lit up again.

“Hey, what’s up?” he said, smiling down at me. The corners of his lip may have been turned upwards, but his eyes told a different story.

“Nothing much, you just looked really lonely.” I said, trying not to look to clingy.

“True that. It’s only been three weeks into school so I still don’t really know a lot of people here.” He chuckled, showing off his pearly whites. He was only a few inches away from me, maybe if I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him…

Shaking my head at my thoughts, I offered to introduce him to some of my friends. He gladly accepted, and we were set for the evening.


 The old wooden door creaked as I pushed it open, stepping into the night. I inhaled deeply, sighing as some of the tension from the past week left my shoulders. Placing my hands on the cold railings, I leaned over as far as I could, relishing the view. Closing my eyes, I listened to the ocean waves crashing on the beach from down below. A few minutes had passed before I heard the old wooden door I came through creak again.

“Hey Scar,” a voice trailed off as I turned around.

“Vivien?” I asked, not completel sure as to why she seemed so nervous.

And then I remembered our little fall out from the other day and I realized why.

“Look Vivien,” I said, contemplating what to say next. “I know I should’ve done this earlier, but I really wanted to say sorry for what happened the other day. Not only that, but every other day you’ve ever felt alone because of me. I understand if you’re still angry at me, but know that I’d never give you up for a boy, ever.”

Wow. That was the longest speech I did with one train of thought. Reading books all the time probably did have its perks- all the cliché ‘I’m sorry’ apologies got embedded in your mind.

“Actually, I came up to say sorry for the way I acted the other day. I’m really sorry, I should give you some space to have your fun too. It’s my fault.” She said, looking down at her feet ashamedly.

“No, it’s totally my fault.” I said.

“No, it’s not.”

“Is too.”

“Is not.”

“Is too.”

“Is too.”

“Is no- wait what?” I said, confused. It must have shown on my face, because Vivien giggled and pulled me into a hug.

“It doesn’t matter who’s fault it is, we’re good now right?” she asked, gripping me tighter.

“That we are.” I couldn’t help but grin, it was good to have my best friend back.

“Ahem,” hearing someone cough, we both jumped back and turned around to look at the intruder.

“Am I interrupting something?” Richard said, now looking slightly awkward.

“Yes, yes you are.” Vivien said, giving Richard her best death glare- which failed miserably as she ended up cracking a smile.

“Good to know, I need to talk to Scar for a minute.” He said jokingly, referring to me by a name very few used.

“Okay then, go ahead.” Vivien said obliviously.

“Umm, would you mind giving us a minute alone?”

“Oh! Yeah, sure, whatever you need.” Vivien said, looking more flustered by the second. Someone was jumpy tonight. She quietly shuffled towards the door, closing it behind her with a light thud.

“What’s up Richard?” I asked, now curious as to what his motives were.

“Well, I don’t really know how to say this,” he started, looking anywhere but me. “b-but I’ve sorta liked you for a while now…”

I stared at him open- mouthed, waiting for him to say that this was a joke. The moment didn’t come.

“And I know we’ve been friends for ages, and that you might not like me as much as I like you, but maybe you could give me a chance?” he rambled on, now clearly getting nervous as I stood there silently. Time seemed to slow down as everything blurred, I did not know how to react to this. This was the same boy I kicked in the nuts for telling me the truth about my horrid haircut in grade five.

“Scarlett, will you be my girlfriend?”


That’s all lovelies! Hope you enjoyed! :D If you did, remember to Comment, Vote and Fan! :D

Lots of love,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2013 ⏰

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