New Chapter

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“So Kyle, where are you from?” I said, trying to salvage whatever reputation I had left. Hanna and Vivian were staring at me with saucer sized eyes. Be a bit more obvious guys?

“I’m from Toronto actually. It’s in Canada. Heard of that place? I moved here last week, still tryna get used to the sun!” He exclaimed. Wow, he must be really excited.

“Believe it or not, I’m from there too! I moved here a few years ago, and I still haven’t gotten used to the weather!” Oh gosh, why do I say the dorkiest things around beautiful beings?

To my relief, he chuckled. God damn those eyes. It was like looking into Hazel’s eyes; they made you melt.

“Are you serious? That’s so sick! What’s it like over here after a while then? I hate how we don’t get maple syrup here! I mean, what do I eat my pancakes with?”

Aww, he looked so cute. Okay, what is wrong with me? Forgive me; I’m not usually this boy crazy, unless that includes obsessively trying to beat all the guys in my grade at arm- wrestling. Speaking of which, I had yet to beat Richard, who just so happened to sit right in front of me.

“Meh, you’ll get used to it. Plus there’s amazing people over here, aside from the fact that they can’t admit to Canada being better than America.” I said that last bit slightly louder, just enough so that Richard could hear. “With you here, that makes two Canadians in a school full of American people.” I said, faking disgust.

Richard’s head shot up from his conversation with Aaron. As he turned around, I noticed the evil glint in his eye. Uh-oh. This couldn’t be good. “Hey Kyle, you wanna know something?”

“Sure, what’s up?” He asked innocently. Oh dear lord.

“Did you know that people mistook Scarlett for a guy until this year? When the guys teased her about her really horrendous haircut in grade 5, she kicked them all in the nuts till most of us couldn’t speak a word more. Bro, she’s a guy stuck in female body. Of course, even that part could be false, I mean plastic surgery these days can do quite a lot y’know… like plastic boobs and shit.” he said with a completely evil smirk. I was mortified. “Isn’t that right Scarlett?” he said, now smiling innocently as Kyle turned to look at my reaction.

“I-I um,” I stammered. Shit, I could feel myself blushing. I blame Kyle’s intense stare for the lack of a good comeback.

Wait a minute. I was Scarlet frickin’ Evans. I wasn’t about to let this stupid male, if that’s what you call him, get away with that.

“Well Richie, it’s not my fault that you guys are such wusses now, is it?” I said, batting my eyelashes at Richard innocently. He hated that nickname, so of course I needed to put it out there. “And of course you’re the expert on plastic surgery; you can almost pass for a guy now!” Mentally patting myself on the back, I smiled triumphantly at Richard, who now looked like he wanted to melt into the floor. Aaron and Kyle on the other hand, were laughing pretty hard at Richard’s emasculation.

To my dismay, his suffering didn’t last that long, as the bell rang for next period.

“Good one, Evans!” Kyle said, signalling for a high-five. “I think I’m gunna like you.”

Hey guys! Sorry that was really short; it’s just a filler chapter. I mostly wanted to show you a bit of Scarlett’s personality, but I couldn’t really think of much cuz I’m going through major writer’s block :/ So do you guys like Scarlett/Kyle/the guys Scarlett is friends with? Constructive Criticism is well appreciated! Remember to comment, vote, fan and whatever else you need to do! :)   

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