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"GUYS I THINK we got too drunk last night, cause, where the hell are we?" Tommy asks while he rubs his head.

"Don't know, is it just me or does this look like our old apartment? Just a little though. The one on Sunset," Nikki comments.

"Wouldn't know, I never lived in that shit hole," Mick groans while standing up from the floor.

"What the fuck is this?" Vince asks pointing to a book with a glowing apple sign.

"Not sure," Nikki goes and opens it to find the glowing screen that has a picture of Aphrodite on it, "AHH!" Nikki squeals, closes it and jumps backwards.

"What?" Mick says while opening it only to freak out as well, "that thing is EVIL!"

Tommy walks closer to it "You guys are such pussies it cant be that evi- HOLY SHIT!"

"Jesus you're all such drama queens," Vince rolls his eyes and opens it only to scream as well.

"Wait why are we still in our stage clothes?" Nikki asks looking down at the striped leather pants he had.

"I don't know," Tommy acknowledges.

A door creaks across the apartment, they boys heads snapped as they heard keys jingling. They crept toward the door and opened it to see a woman dressed in a white long sleeved button up and a skirt.

The woman heard some movement, and when you're in LA it's definitely a possibility somebody could have broke in.

She went into a cupboard and grabbed a pan. When she walked out into the living room she saw four men standing there "AH WHAT THE FUCK!" She holds the pan up.

"Look, we don't know where we are but we think it's our old apartment," Nikki holds his hands up.

"Do not get any closer," she sternly orders while holding the pan up, "I will swing"

"What do you mean? You don't even know us!" Nikki scoffs.

"Oh I know exactly who you are Nikki Sixx, which is why I'm telling you to step back," she shoos them, "back."

"You're one to tell us to step back, you have a glowing book!" Vince spits out.

"What?" She puts the pan down the pan then sees the tall lanky drummer running toward her.

"AHHHHHH" He tackles her to the ground.

"Get off me!" she pushes his chest up.

"Jeez," Tommy stands up, "you're feisty."

"Well seeing as there are four people I'm guessing by the outfits are from 1985 or 86', I have a reason to be 'feisty'" she rolls her eyes and sits down on the couch.

"'85," Mick informs her.


"Wait? What do you mean from 85' or 86'?" Nikki sits down next to her.

"Hate to break it to ya boys, but you're 38 years into the future," she stands up and goes to the kitchen fetching some ice for the bruises her and Tommy formed.

"What?" Vince slams onto the back of the couch, "prove it!"

The woman pulls out her cellphone, January 23rd 2023.

"2023? Are there flying cars and shit?" Tommy asks eagerly, "also, what the hell is that?"

"No, you're gonna be pretty disappointed once you see the outside world," she takes her shoes off, "and this is my phone." She holds it up.

TIME FOR CHANGE | MÖTLEY CRÜEWhere stories live. Discover now