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REINA BOBBED her head as she listened to "Wild Side" being played while looking over the itinerary.

Ruby danced along to the song as her mom recorded her jumping up and down.

Things had started to close up after a few run throughs, "Hey Nikki," Reina asked, "when is that dinner again?"

"Saturday, you're coming right?" Nikki asks.

"We'll see," she shrugs.

"You're coming," Nikki says, "did you even have any plans?"

"Yes I did actually," she smiles, "my friends and I were going to go see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 at the drive in theater tonight."

"It's on Saturday sweetie, not tonight," Nikki chuckles. Sweetie sent chills down her spine. She always had the hots for Nikki, no matter his age, "also which friends?"

"Friends," Reina discloses. She couldn't tell them oh just the younger version of yourself from 38 years ago. That'd be absurd!

"Well, have a good night," Nikki smiles at her.
"You guys ready?" Reina asks with a huge smile on her face. She prepared the boys for this movie. She had them watch most of the Marvel movies that gave them background knowlege for this movie.

"Ready as we'll ever be," Tommy jumps up, they carry in some snacks, blankets, foldable chairs, anything needed, then went to the theater.

During the movie her and Tommy sat on top of the Jeep, Mick sat inside while Vince and Nikki sat just outside the car.

They all had to promise Reina that if she took them out in public, they had to stay close to her at all times.

Nikki stared up at Reina and Tommy laughing. "It's so stupid," Nikki shakes his head.

"What do you mean, this movie is really good," Vince says and continues to eat his popcorn.

"I have a strong feeling someone's going to die," Reina tells Tommy.

"I do too," Tommy nods, "who do you think it is?"

"Probably Quill, maybe Rocket," Reina says, "but we'll see."
They went home and talked about the movie then Reina decided to introduce them to Family Guy.

"Do you or do you not feel Bonita?" Nikki followed along with the TV as Reina squinted her eyes, "I feel Bonita," he changes his pitch, "wonderful because you look Bonita."

"Nikki," she asks.

"Yes," he turns his head to her.

"How much Tiktok have you been watching?" She asks worriedly.

"A lot," Mick responds with a sly chuckle, "we all have."
At this point only Tommy and Reina were awake. "When do you go back home?" Tommy asks.

"Well I leave this apartment in about a week," she shrugs, "that reminds me I need to figure out where to hide you when I leave, I won't be at home for months."

"Why won't you?" Tommy rests his elbow on the couch and just admires her.

"You know how I told you my boss is rich?" She asks and sits up.

"I don't recall but sure," he nods.

"Well I have to follow him around for his tour," she sighs, "maybe I can rent a bigger apartment out there."

"We can focus on that later," Tommy tucks some hair behind her ear, "you're stressing about it, not being able to help us."

"I guess I am," she smiles as he grabs onto his shoulder.

"You are beautiful you know that?" Reina blushes from his compliment.

"If you wanna kiss me just do it," she pulls on the collar of his shirt. He plants a kiss on her lips as she grabs onto his face to pull him down so he's on top of her.

His hands roam her body as he find the buckle of his belt, "wait!" She whisper yells, "Mick and Vince are still in here."

"Just be quiet," he smiles as he pulls down her sweats, "you ready?" She nods and watches him slip inside her.
The next day Nikki woke up and didn't feel a dip in the bed. He tried to feel for Reina but she wasn't there, when he realized that she wasn't in bed he went into the living room and saw her snuggled with Tommy.

He shook Tommy awake and asked, "dude what are you doing?"

The drummer looked around, his eyes still squinting from how bright the room was and realized Reina was still under his arm.

"Holy shit!" He almost woke her up.

"Did you fuck her?" Nikki asks with a huge smile on his face.

"I guess so," Tommy rubs his head.

They bump fists and start to laugh as Reina wakes up. She sees their interaction and gets a bit embarrased, Nikki obviously knew, and Tommy was treating the situation like a teenage boy.

What else should I have expected? She thought.

"Uh I'm gonna go," Reina stands up dissapointed and went to get ready, by the time she was done everyone was awake.

"I'm gonna go get myself a new dress for my dinner tonight and pick some breakfast up," she pulls her sunglasses down and heads out.
It was a few hours before her dinner and Reina decided to model her new dress for the boys.

"What do you guys think?" She does a small twirl.

"I like it," Mick raises his glass.

"Your boobs look a bit big," Vince points out.

"Could definitely be shorter," Nikki critiques.

"The color is weird," Tommy nods.

"Yeah I'm just not going to listen to any of you," she circles her fingers around, '"except you Mick, you're always loved."

"Appreciate it," Mick says. The next thing they knew all four of the boys heads were in pain.

"Fuck, I have a migrane," Tommy holds onto my head.

"Me too," the rest said in unison. Each of them saw flashes of themselves years down the line, but their vision was shakey.

"At the same time?" Reina asked as they all nodded.

"I just got déjà vu," Reina sighs.

A few moments later she did her hair and makeup.

"I'm gonna head out, behave you all," she points at them, "don't open the door for anyone, and I'll be back."

"Okay!" The boys yelped as she closed the door.

Reina took an hour to get to the dinner held in a pretty nice restaurant. She was greeted by valet then Nikki saw her.

"Reina, you look very gorgeous tonight," he compliments making Reina chuckle remembering what the younger version of him said about her dress.

"Sorry," she smiles, "thank you, where's Courtney?"

"She's with Brittney," he points toward her, "the bar is open, you want a drink?"

"Ouuu, I would love one but I'm driving," Reina declines, "and this place seems too fancy for me to get a beer."

After Nikki migrated toward Tommy she thought.

This is going to be a long night.
right before posting this I realized the chapter was also the name of an olivia rodrigo song

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