(11) The 'lady' behind the mask

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Kaden's POV:

I was really excited for tonight, for the first time in my life I felt important, I was invited to a masquerade ball. It started at midnight and the time was currently 10:30 pm. I needed to start getting ready early since it usually takes me about 500 years. I was digging through my closet and was still completely stuck on what to wear. I looked over at the mask I had picked up a few days ago, it was silver, sparkly and quite feminine. That's when it hit me, no one at this party was going to know who I was, I could be anyone I wanted and no one would even care, they wouldn't even know!! I snuck into Raven's room, she had gone to a friends house for the night because she was upset she didn't get invited to this party, I dug through her closet and then found what I wanted to wear, perfect. I was going to pretend to be a woman. I found a dress in Raven's closet that was just perfect and matched with my mask, the dress was silver, sparkly and a perfect fit. I looked at myself in the full length mirror, I looked good but I still looked to masculine. I'm sure Raven wouldn't mind if I just stole some more of her stuff. I searched for some make-up, that would surely make me look like a girl. I found her make-up bag and sat at her vanity. Lets hope this goes well, since I have zero idea what I'm doing. I remember Raven doing my make-up before and I watched her do it everyday so this should go well. I started with foundation, then blush and eyeshadow and other stuff for your eyes, like lash make-up and that, then I put on lipstick, no one was even going to see most of this make-up but I still looked beautiful. I grabbed some silver heels and left Raven's room, slightly struggling to walk. I styled my hair and put my mask on amd then I was ready to go. I looked so good, and if men thought I was a woman, then maybe I could flirt with them and maybe even get a few kisses. No one was going to know who I was so they would never be able to tell my secret, secret being I am gay.

Albert's POV:

For the third year in a row, I was being invited to the midnight masquerade ball. I had picked up a suit and matching mask a few days ago and as it was 11pm, I went to get ready. I showered, styled my hair and got dressed. I sprayed some deoderant on, you know for the pheromone's (Pronouced Feromoans if you don't know the word and means attracting/attracted by scent.) and then grabbed the mask I was going to wear and left.

Timeskip to midnight, everyone is arriving...yeah....

Albert's POV:

I got there, parked my car and went inside. I handed my invite to the guy at the door and was allowed inside. There was lots of people already there, drinking and socializing. To be honest, these events were usually really boring, but I always attended because its a rare oppertunity and I get to act like a rich person for free. I grabbed a drink and went over to where people were standing. About 5 minutes went by, I was stood alone and probably looked stupid, but just then, somebody caught my eye. A stunning woman walked in (even tho she ain't a woman X3) she had wonderful red hair and a gorgeous figure, she was perfect. Even though I couldn't see her face, I fell in love with her. It was like love at first sight I guess, I just knew from that moment I couldn't let her go. I went over to her, I just had to talk to this woman of course.

Kaden's POV:

I had literaly just walked through the door and some guy had already come up to me, so this was a good idea after all. "Hey there." He said. Ok so he was obvoiusly not a rich snob, his tone sounded casual and flirty. "What's your name pretty lady?" I had to hold back laughter, my plan actually worked, he actually thought I was a woman. "Ka-Kaleigh." I lied, in the best female voice I could do. "Its nice to meet you Kaleigh, I'm Albert." He introduced himself while kissing my hand. I blushed, flattered by his gentleman behaviour. "Would you like to dance with me?" He asked, still holding my hand. I blushed even harder, "Yes, please." He lead me over to where people were dancing, he placed his hand on my hip and I placed mine on his shoulder and we began to dance. I felt a little bad for tricking a straight man into dancing with me. We continued like that for ages, dancing, talking, laughing and getting to know eachother. Romantic, slow songs playing as we danced and held eachother. "Kaleigh," He started. I turned my attention to him talking, almost forgetting that was my name now. "Would you like to go somewhere more private?" I nodded nervously, what if he found out I was lying about my identity and didn't want to be with me anymore? He lead me upstairs and I followed anxiously. We stood together on a balcony, the moon was shining brightly and the stars were beautiful. "I like yo Kaleigh, a lot." He smiled. "I-I like you too-" I blushed "But you don't know me." I sighed "I do Kaleigh, I love you." I felt like crying. "You can't love someone you know nothing about!" I still tried my best to sound girly even through forming tears. "You told me about yourself, we have talked none stop all night!" I couldn't help  but let a few tears fall, he would definatly hate me now. "I lied Albert, I lied about everything." He was holding both of my hands close to his chest, "What do you mean?" "I'm not who you think I am." I cried. "Who are you?" I began just full on sobbing, I didn't even know what to say. "Kaleigh- or whatever your name is- please just talk to me." He pleaded. I fell to my knees, I loved him too but he would never love me when he found out who I was. We sat on the cold ground together and it began to rain. "I'm sorry." I let my feminine tone slip and removed my mask. The rain and my tears making my make-up drip. He removed his mask too, a shocked expression on his face. "My name is Kaden, and I'm not a woman." I admitted through tears. "I- Uhhh, Kaden. I-" He couldn't form words, great I'm fucked. "I'm sorry..." I whispered. He didn't even say anything, he just pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I kissed back, suprised but also loving it. His tongue slipped into my mouth and we began making out. We pulled away after a couple minutes, panting. "I love you, Kaden." He admitted. "I love you too." I smiled with delight. "Now, lets get out of here, we can go to my place." He winked. I giggled and blushed, wiping away tears and the both of us put our masks back on. He took my hand and we ran back down the stairs, I had to hold my dress up at the side so I didn't trip. I felt like Cinderella. We moved past people and pushed past the people gaurding the doors. The host of the party was very strict and hated when people left before the event was over, we ran quicker as he tried to catch up to us. We got into Albert's car and drove away. This was low-key really romantic, we both laughed, once again removing our masks and we drove away to Albert's house.


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